Should I worry about "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)"?


Solution 1

Can you post a more complete sample? It's hard to see how there would be that particular error with out some form of goto or flow changing statement.

I most commonly see this error in code like the following

MyClass s1;
if ( someCondition ) { 
  goto Foo:
MyClass s2;
cout << s2.GetName();

This code is fundamentally incorrect. The reason why is that even though s2 has a constructor, it's not executed if someCondition is true. The goto statement will jump over the initialization and at the last line of the program s2 will be uninitialized and essentially point to garbage.


You may also want to check out this page which gives hints on how to decipher this particular valgrind error


Another common cause for this I've just found is when you pass over some integer constants to a variadic function, which are put on the stack as ints, but when the callee gets it as longs, you've got a problem on 64-bit machines.

I was almost about to give up and just consider valgrind being stupid, then I've realised that simply casting it to long fixes it.

So my upshot is: take this messages seriously.

Solution 2

You can add the flag --track-origins=yes to valgrind and it will give you information on the sources of uninitialised data. It runs slower, but can be helpful.

Source: Valgrind User Manual

Solution 3

It would be very helpful if you can post more code, especially from the part where valgrind thinks the error is.

If this happens every time you instantiate the class, you probably forgot to initialize one of the members in the constructor.

And yes: You should worry about this error, those guys can really bite you.

Solution 4

In 64-bits machine. Usually, int takes 4 bytes in memory. But long will take 8 bytes in memory. So simply refer an int value as long format will cause totally incorrect result. An convert is needed in this situation.

Nick Bolton
Author by

Nick Bolton

Hello, I'm the CEO of Symless, the company behind Synergy, software that lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers.

Updated on May 01, 2020


  • Nick Bolton
    Nick Bolton about 4 years

    If you've used Memcheck (from Valgrind) you'll probably be familiar with this message...

    Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)

    I've read about this and it simply occurs when you use an uninitialized value.

    MyClass s;

    This will work because s is automatically initialized... So if this is the case, and it works, why does Memcheck tell me that it's uninitialized? Should the message be ignored?

    Perhaps I misunderstood where the error was directing me. From the Valgrind manual, the actual erroneous snippet is...

    int main()
      int x;
      printf ("x = %d\n", x);

    However, in my code, I can't see anything like that. I have noticed however that the function at the top of the stack trace Memcheck shows me is a virtual function; could this be something to do with it?

    ==14446== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
    ==14446==    at 0x414164: vimrid::glut::GlutApplication::FinishRender() (GlutApplication.cpp:120)
    ==14446==    by 0x422434: vimrid::demos::filterdemos::FilterDemo3::Render() (FilterDemo3.cpp:260)
    ==14446==    by 0x412D3D: vimrid::VimridApplication::UpdateAndRender() (VimridApplication.cpp:93)
    ==14446==    by 0x4144BA: vimrid::glut::GlutApplication::glutHandleDisplay() (GlutApplication.cpp:201)
    ==14446==    by 0x41486A: vimrid::glut::GlutApplication::glutCallbackDisplay() (GlutApplication.cpp:277)
    ==14446==    by 0x54D9FAA: (within /usr/lib64/
    ==14446==    by 0x54DDA4A: fgEnumWindows (in /usr/lib64/
    ==14446==    by 0x54DA4A3: glutMainLoopEvent (in /usr/lib64/
    ==14446==    by 0x54DAEB5: glutMainLoop (in /usr/lib64/
    ==14446==    by 0x413FF8: vimrid::glut::GlutApplication::Run() (GlutApplication.cpp:112)
    ==14446==    by 0x41249D: vimrid::Launcher::runDemo(vimrid::VimridSettings&) (Launcher.cpp:150)
    ==14446==    by 0x412767: vimrid::Launcher::Launch(int, char**) (Launcher.cpp:62)

    Update 1:

    I took a look at GlutApplication.cpp:120, and it looks like the uninitialized variable was being passed in to a function on that line. Simple!

  • Admin
    Admin about 15 years
    ...assuming MyClass has a user-defined constructor, of course.
  • Michael Burr
    Michael Burr about 15 years
    It may be legal C++ - if MyClass is a POD type then it's legal C++ (even if it's bad form).
  • Admin
    Admin about 15 years
    @michael - yes, you are right it's PODness that is the issue rather than what I said about a constructor