Show image in a column of QTableView from QSqlTableModel


A rough idea is to use QStandardItem::setData to set a QPixmap(transformed into QVariant) on it, then you can set the QStandardItem on the QStandardItemModel.

Sequence: QImage--->QPixmap--->QVariant--->QStandardItem--->QStandardItemModel

For example:

QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel;
QImage image(":/cat/lovers/own/myCat.jpg");
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem();
item->setData(QVariant(QPixmap::fromImage(image)), Qt::DecorationRole);
model->setItem(0, 0, item);

enter image description here

You will have to resize images or cell size, depends on what you need.


If you are using QSqlTableModel, just keep using it. All we need to do is make those path strings into QPixmap and set the item role to be Qt::DecorationRole in that column.

As the document says:

Each item has a number of data elements associated with it and they can be retrieved by specifying a role (see Qt::ItemDataRole) to the model's data() function.

To do this, the concept is simple: provide QTableView with QVariant of QPixmap as QTableView render them according to Qt::DecorationRole.

You may subclass QSqlTableModel and reimplement the virtual function QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) and make the image column return the QPixmap as QVariant, with the decoration role. So do something like this:

QVariant CustomSqlTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
     if (idx.column() == imageColumn) {
         QString imgFile = QSqlTableModel::data(idx, Qt::DisplayRole); // get path string

        if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) 
            return QString(); // return the path string for display role

        QImage image(imgFile);
        /* some modification to the image, maybe */

        QPixmap pixmap(imgFile);
        if (role == Qt::DecorationRole)
            return pixmap;   // return QPixmap for decoration role

        if (role == Qt::SizeHintRole)
            return pixmap.size(); // in case need the image size

     return QSqlTableModel::data( idx, role ); // use original data() outside the imageColumn

Besides, you can also try subclassing QStyledItemDelegate and reimplement paint() function to customize your own delegate, but that will require a more complicated work. An example using delegate can be found here. You can paint whatever you want with delegate, even a button.

*Sorry the code is not tested, as I don't have a database on hand.

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • dare
    dare about 2 years

    I'm curious about how I can display an image from my database in a QTableView.

    Is there something like QTableWidgetItem that I am able to use it in QTableView?

    I use QSqlTableModel.

  • dare
    dare about 10 years
    How I should use QStandardItemModel with QSqlTableModel?
  • Tay2510
    Tay2510 about 10 years
    @dare You should've said that you are using QSqlTableModel in the question.
  • Dmitry Sazonov
    Dmitry Sazonov about 10 years
    Plus 1 for the cat :)
  • dare
    dare about 10 years
    @Tay2510 is there a way to use both of them QStandardItemModel and QSqltableModel?
  • dare
    dare about 10 years
    BTW @Tay2510 I need a good source to learn Qt. can you suggest a good one?
  • Tay2510
    Tay2510 about 10 years
    For books: If you want to learn the working mechanism of Qt, try An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4; to learn how to use Qt, try C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4. For non-book resources: The best of the best is the Qt official document it self; Qt centre forum is also a good place to ask questions. Besides, you can check this asked question, some good on-line learning resources can be found there.
  • dare
    dare about 10 years
    really i don't understand your answer, and it's my fault. I should do study some Qt.