Sign with the debug key on Google Play


If you used Google Play App Signing you can contact Play Console support and they can help you change your keys (see the steps to take at the bottom of the article).

If you didn't use Google Play App Signing there is nothing you can do except re-publish your app under a different package name.

A good reason to use Google Play App signing.

Author by


Updated on December 06, 2022


  • KKG
    KKG over 1 year

    I haven't configured signing in gradle file and I released my app to Google Play successfully.

    Upload certificate on Google Play:

    SHA1: B5:E0:B6:51:92:27:09:2E:C2:6A:BF:BF:5F:94:82:C5:2E:BF:12:08

    debug.keystore file:

    androiddebugkey, 2017/9/24, PrivateKeyEntry,
    (SHA1): B5:E0:B6:51:92:27:09:2E:C2:6A:BF:BF:5F:94:82:C5:2E:BF:12:08

    I realized that I released my android app to Google Play with a debug key and somehow the Google Play Console couldn't detect that it was a debug key.

    Today I want to update my app, the Google Play Console reject my file. (Signing in debug mode)

    Is it possible to fix it?

    • Crammeur
      Crammeur almost 6 years
      Google accept only release key the debug are not accepted because they have no information about the developer.
  • KKG
    KKG almost 6 years
    I can't create a new key. Google Play Console rejected it. Because SHA1 is different.
  • Vijendra patidar
    Vijendra patidar almost 6 years
    Use your old keystore/jks file for exsisting app.