Silverlight bind collection to Combobox in DataForm using MVVM


1) Declare the viewmodel to the view in the resources section.

    <local:MyViewModel x:Key="myViewModel" />

2) Bind the ComboBox to the collection property on the viewmodel.

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, 
                                Source={StaticResource myViewModel}, 
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Updated on June 05, 2022


  • michajas
    michajas almost 2 years

    I have this problem, I've got Silverlight app written using MVVM. I need to create DataForm which is binded to property on ViewModel and I want to add ComboBox and fill it with values from other collection in the same ViewModel.


    <dataFormToolkit:DataForm CurrentItem="{Binding NewUser, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateFields="False" Height="298">
                            <dataFormToolkit:DataField Label="Email">
                                <TextBox Text="{Binding Email, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
                            <dataFormToolkit:DataField Label="Język">
                                <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

    All this is handled by NewAccountVM which has these properties:

    private User newUser;
        public User NewUser { 
                return newUser; 
                if (value != newUser)
                    newUser = value;
        private ObservableCollection<Language> languages;
        public ObservableCollection<Language> Languages
            get { return languages; }
                if (languages != value)
                    languages = value;

    Now, all this works besides adding ItemsSource to ComboBox. I've found many examples showing how fill CB in CodeBehind, but like I said I want to do this in MVVM-Style :) I understand that, ComboBox inherited DataContext from DataForm, and this ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Languages, Mode=TwoWay}" will not work, but I have no idea how to achieve my goal.

    Can somebody help me?

  • michajas
    michajas over 14 years
    Thanks, this is it :) I've figured it out eriler, but I had problem with my ViewModel because it had 2 constructors, I had to reorganize creation of my ViewModels to this one with static resources. Thanks again.
  • Andrew Garrison
    Andrew Garrison almost 14 years
    In this example, where do you set the ViewModel as the DataContext for the UserControl? I am assuming you do so in the Constructor of the UserControl, but I would like know for sure.
  • Agies
    Agies almost 14 years
    @michajas Be careful about setting the VM's inside of the Resources, if your VM ctor throws an exception, it will be swallowed by a XAML parsing error. I would highly suggest looking at setting the VM in the Loaded event and use an IoC container, for greater flexability.
  • captonssj
    captonssj about 11 years