Simple filter on array of RXJS Observable


Solution 1

You'll want to filter the actual array and not the observable wrapped around it. So you'll map the content of the Observable (which is an Epic[]) to a filtered Epic.

getEpic(id: string): Observable<Epic> {
  return this.getEpics()
     .map(epics => epics.filter(epic => === id)[0]);

Then afterwards you can subscribe to getEpic and do whatever you want with it.

Solution 2

You can do this using the flatMap and filter methods of Observable instead of the JS array filter method in map. Something like:

    .flatMap((data) => data.epics) // [{id: 1}, {id: 4}, {id: 3}, ..., {id: N}]
    .filter((epic) => === id) // checks {id: 1}, then {id: 2}, etc
    .subscribe((result) => ...); // do something epic!!!

flatMap will provide singular indices for filtering and then you can get on with whatever happens next with the results.

If TypeScript throws a error indicating you can't compare a string and a number regardless of your use of == in the filter just add a + before in the filter, per the Angular docs:

    .filter((epic) => === id) // checks {id: 1}, then {id: 2}, etc


Solution 3

original answer with a fix: Observables are lazy. You have to call subscribe to tell an observable to send its request.

  getEpic(id:number) {
    return this.getEpics()
           .filter(epic => === id)

Update to Rxjs 6:

import {filter} from 'rxjs/operators';

getEpic(id:number) {
        return this.getEpics()
               .pipe(filter(epic => === id))
Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Johannes
    Johannes almost 2 years

    I am starting my project with Angular2 and the developers seem to recommend RXJS Observable instead of Promises.

    I have achieved to retrieve a list of elements (epics) from the server. But how can I filter the elments by using for example an id?

    The following code is an extraction from my app and shows now the final working solution. Let's hope it helps someone.

    export class EpicService {
      private url = CONFIG.SERVER + '/app/';  // URL to web API
      constructor(private http:Http) {}
      private extractData(res:Response) {
        let body = res.json();
        return body;
      getEpics():Observable<Epic[]> {
        return this.http.get(this.url + "getEpics")
      getEpic(id:string): Observable<Epic> {
        return this.getEpics()
          .map(epics => epics.filter(epic => === id)[0]);
    export class EpicComponent {
        private requirementService:EpicService) {
      getEpics() {
            epics => this.epics = epics,
            error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);
      // actually this should be eventually in another component
      getEpic(id:string) {
            epic => this.epic = epic,
            error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);
    export class Epic {
      id: string;
      name: string;

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Johannes
    Johannes almost 8 years
    Looks simple but: Error:(33, 42) TS2365: Operator '===' cannot be applied to types 'string' and 'number'. I will update question, to show the whole component and service relationship.
  • Luka Jacobowitz
    Luka Jacobowitz almost 8 years
    Well if it's that then you can just convert from string to number or number to string :)
  • damianesteban
    damianesteban almost 6 years
    This is much cleaner than the accepted answer and makes full use of Rx. The proper way to perform this operation is to use flatMap as the author has pointed out.
  • Stefan Rein
    Stefan Rein almost 6 years
    If epics ist an array (like you suggest), one can not flatMap to data.epics. And you also can not filter the array like you wrote.
  • Stefan Rein
    Stefan Rein almost 6 years
    The return type of subscribe is a Subscription, which implements ISubscription. Both do not have a filter method.
  • Andrei Zhytkevich
    Andrei Zhytkevich almost 6 years
    @StefanRein, in the original question this.getEpics() returns observable of an Array. So, filter is a method of Array
  • Stefan Rein
    Stefan Rein almost 6 years
    You are right. Just in your answer you are chaining the filter after the subscribe method, which has not a filter method, thus my comment
  • mtpultz
    mtpultz almost 6 years
    @StefanRein I would argue that you should try the code out first then comment -…
  • Stefan Rein
    Stefan Rein almost 6 years
    @mtpultz Yes, I did copy your comment from SO as input. Your comment for the method getEpics() here on SO should be: // { epics: [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}] } and not // [{id: 1}, {id: 4}, {id: 3}, ..., {id: N}] like in the Stackblitz example.. that confused me, thanks. Should've looked int the Stackblitz example, too :)
  • mtpultz
    mtpultz almost 6 years
    I've moved the comment down one line