Simple way to randomly shuffle list


Try this (based on Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm)

public static void ShuffleMe<T>(this IList<T> list)  
    Random random = new Random();  
    int n = list.Count;  

    for(int i= list.Count - 1; i > 1; i--)
        int rnd = random.Next(i + 1);  

        T value = list[rnd];  
        list[rnd] = list[i];  
        list[i] = value;

List<Color> colors = new List<Color> ();

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Dan
    Dan about 2 years

    I have a List of colors that I would like to be shuffled and mixed up at least a little.

    I create a list using

     List<Color> colors = new List<Color> ();

    But there is no .Shuffle I noticed a .Sort but I don't think that's what I need. I searched for a while but all methods and other questions I found seem to be way over complicated for such a simple task, if there is a simpler way.

    I tried using

    List<Color> colorList = new List<Color>();
    public void SetupColors()
            List<Color> colors = new List<Color> ();
            Random random = new Random();
            int n = colors.Count;
            for (int i = colors.Count; i > 1; i--)
                int rnd = random.Next(i + 1);
                var value = colors[rnd];
                colors[rnd] = colors[i];
                colors[i] = value;
            colorList = colors;
        public List<Message> getMessages()
            List<Message> items = new List<Message>
                new Message
                    . . . 
                    Background = colorList[0]
                new Message
                    . . . 
                    Background = colorList[1]
            return items;

    but I keep getting IndexBound errors at colorList[0] and colorList[1]

    • tigrou
      tigrou about 6 years
      Look at Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm
    • Dan
      Dan about 6 years
      I saw the 'duplicate' post but the answers are more complicated then they need to be, there has to be an easier way to shuffle the list
  • Dan
    Dan about 6 years
    I edited my attempt into the question but I keep getting IndexBound errors
  • Gaurang Dave
    Gaurang Dave about 6 years
    Edit the for loop : for (int i = colors.Count - 1; i > 1; i--) . I updated answer as well. Mark as answer if it was useful and upvote.
  • Gaurang Dave
    Gaurang Dave about 6 years
    There is no error while I am running it. I tested it. Where you are getting the errors? Also there is no need of doing this colorList = colors;
  • Dan
    Dan about 6 years
    Just noticed I was running the getMessages before running SetupColors
  • Gaurang Dave
    Gaurang Dave about 6 years
    @Dan enjoy coding
  • Wesley
    Wesley over 3 years
    int n is unused. Is this intentional? @GaurangDave