Solaris pam_ldap Authentication Using sshd-kbdint and Failing


As it turns out, the issue is with the 'binding' control_type keyword used in the /etc/pam.conf and **/etc/pam.d/ *files.

By replacing all instances of 'binding' with 'sufficient' for the lines in the files, authentication now works. As an example:

login   auth binding   server_policy
login   auth required  debug

should become

login   auth sufficient server_policy
login   auth required  debug

Be sure to do this wherever you want to use LDAP authentication.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • HawkStar
    HawkStar almost 2 years

    Hi wanted the user to create a file with the name he/she chose so later they can find it at any time but the codes I am finding to do it are usually within "" and they have a .txt in the end so I cant just set a variable for it I am kinda new to VB too so How can I make a user named txt file ?

    • Mark Schultheiss
      Mark Schultheiss almost 5 years
      What if they choose a name that is the same as your program? This seems dangerous. What have you tried? Please include that code so we might assist you in fixing it.
    • HawkStar
      HawkStar almost 5 years
      the names are supposed to be in numbers and I have already fixed the other bugs the names cant be the same I have lucked the ASCII keys so they cant pick other than a few numbers and words
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    thank you very much, your advice about "sufficient" keyword really works, some hours ago, following this ...... "did the trick", after several days of test, NOW we have LDAP authentication in solaris box to IBM Security Directory server 6.3.1 remains to refine some details. but the principal authentication function is working ... =) XD
  • HawkStar
    HawkStar almost 5 years
    thanks a lot for your help I am gonna try this be back in a few mins
  • Jimi
    Jimi almost 5 years
    You mean, one can use Path.Combine() to glue together path parts. Remove that Encoding.Default or change it to Encoding.UTF8.
  • HawkStar
    HawkStar almost 5 years
    sw = New StreamWriter(Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem & "D:\vb\" & rtbCase & rtbName & ".txt")
  • HawkStar
    HawkStar almost 5 years
    @HereGoes this is the code I have written based on what I found on the internet and what I got from your code but its not working can you please edit this ?
  • HawkStar
    HawkStar almost 5 years
    BC30452 Operator '&' is not defined for types 'FileSystemProxy' and 'String'
  • HereGoes
    HereGoes almost 5 years
    My.Computer.FileSystem isn't a string so you can use it in the Patch.Combine. Looks like you could just do sw = New StreamWriter(Path.Combine( "D:\vb\" & rtbCase & rtbName & ".txt")
  • Jimi
    Jimi almost 5 years
    This is not how Path.Combine works. Please, see the Docs about its functionality.