Sort DataRow[] using LINQ


Solution 1

A great way of playing with LINQ is using LINQPad. Here's a quick sample I wrote and tested to answer your question:

var table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Count", typeof(int));

table.Rows.Add("A", 5);
table.Rows.Add("B", 7);
table.Rows.Add("C", 1);
table.Rows.Add("D", 8);
table.Rows.Add("E", 9);
table.Rows.Add("F", 6);
table.Rows.Add("G", 3);
table.Rows.Add("H", 2);
table.Rows.Add("I", 4);

var sorted = table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
    .OrderByDescending(row => row[1]);

// If you are using LINQPad you can test this using the following line:

Solution 2

This should give you what you are looking for:

var result = drTest.OrderByDescending(dr => dr[1]);

Solution 3

You can use the following LINQ query to sort your item array in descending order.

var result = drTest.OrderByDescending(itemArray => itemArray [1]);


var result = from row in drtest 
             orderby row[1] descending 
             select row;

For more information, you can go through LINQ - Ordering Operators.

Author by


Updated on June 27, 2022


  • user2423609
    user2423609 almost 2 years

    DataRow[] drTest contains System.Data.DataRow, say, contains 10 DataRow's. Inside of each DataRow, I have an ItemArray that contains Name and Count. Now I want to sort the DataRow[] drTest in descending order based on the ItemArray second record count.


    DataRow[] drTest contains 
    At [0] Index - ItemArray[0] - "A"
                 - ItemArray[1] - 5
    At [1] Index - ItemArray[0] - "B"
                 - ItemArray[1] - 7

    I want to order drTest in descending order, so that drTest[1] should come up.