Sort --parallel isn't parallelizing


Solution 1

sort doesn't create a thread unless it needs to, and for small files it's just too much overhead. Now unfortunately sort treats a pipe like a small file. If you want to feed enough data to 24 threads then you'll need to specify to sort to use a large internal buffer (sort does that automatically when presented with large files). This is something we should improve on upstream (at least in documentation). So you'll want something like:

(export LC_ALL=C; grep -E  <files> | sort -S1G --parallel=24 -u | wc -m)

Note I've set LC_ALL=C for all processes, since they'll all benefit with this data).

BTW you can monitor the sort threads with something like:

watch -n.1 ps -C sort -L -o pcpu

Solution 2

With parsort you can sort big files faster on a multi-core machine.

On a 48 core machine you should see a speedup of 3x over sort.

parsort is part of GNU Parallel and should be a drop-in replacement for sort.


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Jeremy Kemball
Author by

Jeremy Kemball

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jeremy Kemball
    Jeremy Kemball almost 2 years

    I'm trying to make unique a set of lines pulled from a file with egrep with sort -u, then count them. About 10% of the lines(all 100 characters long from the alphabet [ATCG]) are duplicated. There are two files, about 3 gigs each, 50% aren't relevant, so perhaps 300 million lines.

    LC_ALL=C  grep -E  <files> |  sort --parallel=24  -u | wc -m

    Between LC_ALL=C and using -x to accelerate grep, the slowest part by far is the sort. Reading the man pages led me to --parallel=n, but experimentation showed absolutely no improvement. A little digging with top showed that even with --parallel=24, the sort process only ever runs on one processor at a time.

    I have 4 chips with 6 cores and 2 threads/core, giving a total of 48 logical processors. See lscpu because /proc/cpuinfo would be too long.

    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
    Byte Order:            Little Endian
    CPU(s):                48
    On-line CPU(s) list:   0-47
    Thread(s) per core:    2
    Core(s) per socket:    6
    Socket(s):             4
    NUMA node(s):          8
    Vendor ID:             AuthenticAMD
    CPU family:            21
    Model:                 1
    Stepping:              2
    CPU MHz:               1400.000
    BogoMIPS:              5199.96

    What am I missing? Even if the process is IO-bound, shouldn't I see parallel processing anyway? The sort process uses 99% of the processor it is actually on at any given time, so I should be able to see parallelization if it's happening. Memory isn't a concern, I have 256 Gb to play with and none of it is used by anything else.

    Something I discovered piping grep to a file then reading the file with sort:

     LC_ALL=C  grep -E  <files>  > reads.txt ; sort reads.txt  -u | wc -m
    default, file 1m 50s
    --parallel=24, file 1m15s
    --parallel=48, file 1m6s
    --parallel=1, no file 10m53s
    --parallel=2, no file 10m42s
    --parallel=4 no file 10m56s
    others still running

    In doing these benchmarks it's pretty clear that when piped input sort isn't parallelizing at all. When allowed to read a file sort splits the load as instructed.

    • ott--
      ott-- almost 9 years
      What sort is that on which distribution? The standard sort doesn't know that option.
    • Jeremy Kemball
      Jeremy Kemball almost 9 years
      uname -a gives "3.13.0-46-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP" and lsb_release -a claims 14.04.2 codename trusty , and the version of sort that's part of the gnu coreutils, according to man sort.
    • Hannu
      Hannu almost 9 years
      It seems to me there are portions here that needs to be re-read:…
    • Jeremy Kemball
      Jeremy Kemball almost 9 years
      I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at @Hannu, could you be more specific? sort --parallel=2 doesn't parallelize either. Neither does 4 or 8. nproc gives back 48 like it should.
    • Thalys
      Thalys almost 9 years
      I'd say... don't use coreutils for this. Amusingly we had a very similar question and well.... every other method works better
    • Hannu
      Hannu almost 9 years
      @JeremyKemball - the fact that n>8 would not add much for starters, it also seemed to me that your use of -u (unique) was not inline with what you asked for; better use unique not sort -u
    • Jeremy Kemball
      Jeremy Kemball almost 9 years
      sort | uniq and and sort -u are explicitly equivalent if you don't use keys to sort the lines. Is there a reason to use an extra pipe?
    • Hannu
      Hannu almost 9 years
      From how I understand the text under the link above, there is a difference. But then, I'm NOT a native English speaker.
    • Jeremy Kemball
      Jeremy Kemball almost 9 years
      They differ in last-resort comparison if your specified ordering/sorting options, so that things that sort identically are unique'd by those sorting options. I don't have -d, -f, -n, -h, -M,-v, or -k, so sort | uniq is explicitly identical to sort --unique, doubly so since I have very boring strings.
  • Hashim Aziz
    Hashim Aziz over 3 years
    Are the brackets only necessary for the LC_ALL=C invocation? Could I remove them if not using LC_ALL=C or if prefixing the grep and sort commands with it?