Sorting objects based on property value in D3


Solution 1

You can pass an anonymous function to the Javascript Array.prototype.sort to sort by index. D3 has a function d3.ascending (v 3.x) that makes it easy to sort ascending:

cities.sort(function(x, y){
   return d3.ascending(x.index, y.index);

And here's the output:

 {"city":"Hong Kong","country":"Hong Kong","index":214},
 {"city":"San Francisco","country":"United States","index":218},
 {"city":"New York City","country":"United States","index":237},
 {"city":"London","country":"United Kingdom","index":280}

Solution 2

Just sort the array before you use it in D3, as Travis J mentioned in a comment. There's no reason to use D3 to sort (d3.ascending is just a comparison wrapper anyway).

Also, note that you have a } where you want a ] at the end of your declaration.

You can access each object's properties as so:

cities.sort(function(a, b){
    return a["index"]-b["index"];

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Sam Mason
Author by

Sam Mason

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Sam Mason
    Sam Mason almost 2 years

    I have a array of objects for use in D3 e.g

    var cities = [
      { city: "London", country: "United Kingdom", index: 280 },
      { city: "Geneva", country: "Switzerland", index: 259 },
      { city: "New York City", country: "United States", index: 237 },
      { city: "Singapore", country: "Singapore", index: 228 },
      { city: "Paris", country: "France", index: 219 },
      { city: "San Francisco", country: "United States", index: 218 },
      { city: "Copenhagen", country: "Denmark", index: 217 },
      { city: "Sydney", country: "Australia", index: 215 },
      { city: "Hong Kong", country: "Hong Kong", index: 214 },
      { city: "Brisbane", country: "Australia", index: 208 }

    I would like to order the objects in ascending order based on their cities.index property. So that I can display them as such in D3.js. Im sure there is a way of doing this in D3 but I am yet to figure it out when dealing with an array of objects.

    Any help?

    • Travis J
      Travis J almost 10 years
      Why not just sort them in the array before using it?
    • Casey Falk
      Casey Falk almost 10 years
      Just pass .sort() a custom sorting function. You can access the index property of the objects and use to determine order.
    • Sam Mason
      Sam Mason almost 10 years
      @TravisJ Ideally this is what I would like to do sorry for not being more descriptive
  • Casey Falk
    Casey Falk almost 10 years
    Why stringify the results? You don't really need it. :)
  • mdml
    mdml almost 10 years
    Just so the output in my console doesn't say [Object, Object, Object, ...]. But yeah, perhaps doesn't need to be in my answer.
  • tyleha
    tyleha over 6 years
    What if some array objects have undefined values? It doesn't appear that d3 sort deals with these cases.