Sorting strings in 8086 Assembly


I actually figure out the answer myself, I use string commands to compare the strings 2 by 2 with each other to see if they're bigger, smaller or equal. Something like the code below in the specific macro that takes two strings to check them and do the required operation like swapping the strings to make them sorted:

check macro a, b
    local next, finish
    mov cx, 64  ; the size of our buffer that saves the string
    mov si, a
    mov di, b

    repe cmpsb  ; comparing two strings with each other
    ja next
    jmp finish

    ; swaping our strings if needed
    mov cx, 64
    mov si, a
    lea di, change
    rep movsb 

    mov cx, 64
    mov si, b
    mov di, a
    rep movsb

    mov cx, 64
    lea si, change
    mov di, b
    rep movsb 


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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • H4iku
    H4iku almost 2 years

    I want to write a 8086 assembly program that takes 5 strings from the user as an input and then sorts these strings and prints the sorted result as an output. I actually do everything but I have a big problem with the sorting part. I know how to use a for example bubble sort to sort the items in an array that start from a specific address but here I have 5 different strings that are not in the same array. each string has its own address and its own characters. I try to compare last character of each string with each other and then if one is bigger that another one i swap the whole string and then I go on and do that for the whole characters of all string to the first.

    For example if our input strings are:


    I will first sort the last character of every string and I come up with this:


    Then I will compare them by the middle character:


    and at last with the first character and everything is sorted:


    but it is actually what in my mind and I don't have any idea who to implement that for my job.

    ; multi-segment executable file template.
    data segment 
        data1 db 64,?,64 dup(?)
        data2 db 64,?,64 dup(?)
        data3 db 64,?,64 dup(?)
        data4 db 64,?,64 dup(?)
        data5 db 64,?,64 dup(?)
        change db 66 dup(?)
        msg db 0ah,0dh,"You enter a wrong option",0ah,0dh,"try again",0ah,0dh,"$" 
        prompt db 0ah,0dh,"Choose an option:",0ah,0dh,"$"
        prompt1 db ".a: Sort in ascending order",0ah,0dh,"$" 
        prompt2 db ".d: Sort in descending order",0ah,0dh,"$"
        prompt3 db ".q: Quit",0ah,0ah,0dh,"$" 
        enter db 0ah,0ah,0dh,"Enter 5 strings:",0ah,0dh,"$"
        pkey db 0ah,0dh,"press any key...$"
    stack segment
        dw   128  dup(0)
    code segment
    main proc far
    ; set segment registers:
        mov ax, data
        mov ds, ax
        mov es, ax
    ; printing the prompts for the user
        lea dx, prompt
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h   
        lea dx, prompt1
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        lea dx, prompt2
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        lea dx, prompt3
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h   
    ; getting a character from the user as an input
        mov ah, 01h
        int 21h
    ; determining which option the user selects    
        cmp al, 'a'
        je ascending
        cmp al, 'd'
        je descending
        cmp al, 'q'
        je quit
    ; this is for the time that the user enters a wrong char    
        lea dx, msg
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        jmp again     ; again calling the application to start
        call input
        call AscendSort
        jmp again     ; again calling the application to start
        call input
        call DescendSort
        jmp again     ; again calling the application to start
        lea dx, pkey
        mov ah, 9
        int 21h        ; output string at ds:dx
        ; wait for any key....    
        mov ah, 1
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
        int 21h  
    main endp
    ; this subroutine gets input from user
    input proc
        lea dx, enter
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
        call newline
        mov ah, 0ah
        lea dx, data1
        int 21h      
        call newline
        mov ah, 0ah
        lea dx, data2
        int 21h
        call newline
        mov ah, 0ah
        lea dx, data3
        int 21h
        call newline
        mov ah, 0ah
        lea dx, data4
        int 21h
        call newline
        mov ah, 0ah
        lea dx, data2
        int 21h
        call newline
    input endp
    ; sorting the strings in the ascending order
    AscendSort proc         
        mov si, 65
        lea dx, change
        mov al, data1[si]
        cmp al, data2[si]
        ja l1    
    AscendSort endp 
    ; sorting the strings in the descending order
    DescendSort proc
    DescendSort endp 
    ; newline
    newline proc
        mov ah, 02h
        mov dl, 0ah
        int 21h
        mov dl, 0dh
        int 21h   
    newline endp    
    end main ; set entry point and stop the assembler.

    Any other algorithm for sorting these whole strings also will be appreciated.

  • Peter Cordes
    Peter Cordes over 8 years
    You'd probably get better results from just using a compiler. Normally you sort strings by sorting an array of pointers. So the swaps just swap pointers, not the whole strings. Your solution works (slowly) when all the strings are the same size. If you need to actually sort the string storage locations, it would be faster to sort pointers, and then put all the strings in order, so the actual string data would only be copied once. Also, you can save an instruction by doing jna finish, instead of ja next / jmp finish.