Sphinx error: Unknown directive type "automodule" or "autoclass"


The same thing happened to me! To fix it, go to the line in conf.py that says something like this:

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode']

Yours will probably look different. Anyway, add 'sphinx.ext.autodoc' to the list. e.g.

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc']

If it was:

extensions = []

then you'd change it to:

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']

Sources: Sphinx documentation: ERROR: Unknown directive type "program-output"

Author by


Programming and new technologies are one of my passions and that is why I love what I do when working. In the last years I have been working on distributed systems and Cloud computing in a research group at Rovira i Virgili University. Then, I moved to UK (Chester) starting a new adventure as a Software Engineer in The Realbuzz Group company. There I improved my skills as a backend developer focused on API design, scalability problems and driving a new project for Abbott World Marathon Majors. After that, I've moved to Manchester in search of new challenges. Here I started a new position as Senior Developer in the Planixs Ltd company. Planixs provides cloud-enabled solutions that power any Treasury in any industry to become Real-Time with instant insight, rapid analytics, intraday control and agile liquidity. Currently I'm working as Team-lead Developer in Planixs, working on new challenges, mentoring other developers and trying to keep the Realiti® - The Intraday Control suite product as the best in this sector. On my free time I like to learn new programming languages, improve my skills in distributed systems and cloud computing, and contribute in open-source projects and different communities like StackOverFlow.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • edgarzamora
    edgarzamora almost 2 years

    I need to document my Python project using Sphinx. But I can't use autodoc.

    When I config my project I select the option "extension autodoc", but now if I use

    .. autoclass:: Class

    I get an error:

    ERROR: Unknown directive type "autoclass"

    I configure the PYTHONPATH, and now it's good. But I already have this problem.

    My index file is:

    .. ATOM documentation master file, created by
       sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 22 15:24:42 2012.
       You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
       contain the root `toctree` directive.
    Welcome to ATOM's documentation!
    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 2
    .. automodule:: atom
    Indices and tables
    * :ref:`genindex`
    * :ref:`modindex`
    * :ref:`search`

    I need that someone to tell me how I can fix the problem.

    Thank you