Spring Boot + IntelliJ + Embedded Database = Headache


Solution 1

H2 Automatic Mixed Mode should be fine for you. Use jdbc:h2:~/mydbInHomeDir;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE as your spring.datasource.url. In IntelliJ, create a remote H2 data source and use the exact same JDBC URL. You may have to explicitly press the Synchronize button in the IntelliJ Database window to get the database tables to show up.

Solution 2

To add to what heenenee mentioned above. If you dont specify AUTO_SERVER only one connection will be permitted to your H2 instance.

I am using spring-boot with spring-data-jpa. Make sure you have @Entity declared for your entities that represent each table(s).

Following is my application.yml / application.properties

jdbc:h2:file:/Users/blah[![enter image description here][1]][1]/db/vlad4;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
spring.datasource.username: sa

      ddl-auto: create #will create schema based on entities
    show-sql: true

Start your application and import some data into it. Spring boot will automatically import your data if you have import.sql in the classpath ex: /src/main/resources/import.sql

Configure you IntelliJ like so enter image description here

If you are not using IntelliJ download the server/client combo @ http://www.h2database.com/html/download.html extract it and start the browser-based client using:

h2/bin: java -cp h2*.jar org.h2.tools.Server

Connect to your imbedded database by specifying the connection string: enter image description here

Solution 3

I had similar problem. It was due to the default create-drop ddl strategy of the hibernate. With this strategy after the application shutdown hibernate destroys the schema at the end of the session, that's why IntelliJ don't show anything. Change ddl strategy to the create and hibernate will create the schema and destroy previous data on the next application startup.

Here is an example of my configuration:


  datasource.url: jdbc:h2:./db/testDb
  jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: create

IntelliJ database properties

enter image description here


enter image description here

Solution 4

If you follow the steps in this article: https://techdev.io/en/developer-blog/querying-the-embedded-h2-database-of-a-spring-boot-application

I think it will provide the help in getting a Spring Boot application with H2 in-memory database exposed via a tcp server such that you can use the IntelliJ database client to connect to it.

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<3 code

Updated on November 04, 2020


  • Jack
    Jack over 3 years

    Either I'm missing some core concept buried deep within some documentation (Spring, Spring Boot, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, IntelliJ) or I've been staring at this for too long.

    I have a Spring Boot project going. Tried using and initializing an H2 DB at first, tried connecting to it in IntelliJ only to realize that I might not be able to easily browse the db without giving up my firstborn child (Connect to H2 database using IntelliJ database client).

    So I moved to DerbyDB. Same thing - db root folder is created in my app, I connect to it in IntelliJ but my tables, that were just created from starting the app are not available to browse.

    I even tried SQLite, but support for SQLite is not as good and certain update functions were not available, but I could atleast find my tables in IntelliJ browser!

    I just want a simple single file embedded DB that I can use, browse, and play with easily. Any suggestions?!

    When I run the application, I see that the schema is exported:

    2015-07-19 09:37:45.836  INFO 98608 --- [ost-startStop-1] org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport  : HHH000227: Running hbm2ddl schema export
    Hibernate: drop table user_roles if exists
    Hibernate: drop table users if exists
    Hibernate: create table user_roles (id bigint generated by default as identity, role_name varchar(255), version bigint, user_id bigint, primary key (id))
    Hibernate: create table users (id bigint generated by default as identity, email varchar(255), password varchar(255), username varchar(255), version bigint, primary key (id))
    Hibernate: alter table user_roles add constraint FK_g1uebn6mqk9qiaw45vnacmyo2 foreign key (user_id) references users
    2015-07-19 09:37:45.849  INFO 98608 --- [ost-startStop-1] org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport  : HHH000230: Schema export complete

    In IntelliJ, nothing (using a remote source of jdbc:h2:./test;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE as per heenenee suggestion):

    enter image description here

    I see some votes to close because its unclear what I'm asking:

    How do I develop applications using H2, HSQLDB, or Derby databases and connect to them with IntelliJ?