Spring Data JPA simple web Example with MySql and Maven


I think what you're looking for is SpringMVC(controller?) on top of what you asked, as you commented on Mustafa's answer:

this is console based example, whereas I am looking for simple web based

This example might help you for Spring Data JPA:


Or this for Spring MVC:


Author by


Updated on April 23, 2020


  • user1111880
    user1111880 about 4 years

    I am very new to JPA and Spring, so can you people give me a link or any working code of Spring Data JPA with MVC integration which have used Mysql and Maven.

  • user1111880
    user1111880 about 11 years
    Thanks Mustafa, but this is console based example whereas i am looking for simple web based example of Spring Data JPA with Mysql and Maven
  • xlecoustillier
    xlecoustillier about 9 years
    Please include some information about why and how that helps. Also, please duplicate some of the information here in case the link dies.
  • xlecoustillier
    xlecoustillier about 9 years
    Others won't be happy if the link you point to dies in the meantime.