Spring PagingAndSortingRepository - find by name


Why would you want to load all records and filter in memory rather than in the database?

Anyway, as this looks like a Spring Data project you should really read the documentation to see what is possible:


Depending on whether or not you require paging, all you need to do on the repository side is add a method to your PurchaseOrderRepository interface:

Page<PurchaseOrder> findByCountryCountryName(Pageable pageable, String name);

List<PurchaseOrder> findByCountryCountryName(String name);

There is no need to create an implementation as Spring Data will do this and create a query based on the method name.

The repository proxy has two ways to derive a store-specific query from the method name. It can derive the query from the method name directly, or by using a manually defined query.

You simply then need to call your new method from your service layer:

public class PurchaseOrderService {

   private PurchaseOrderRepository purchaseOrderRepository;


   private List<PurchaseOrder> loadByCountry(String country) {
      return purchaseOrderRepository.findByCountryCountryName(country);
Author by


Updated on September 14, 2022


  • user2342259
    user2342259 over 1 year

    Problem: I am trying to load into the grid only the Purchase Orders for which country name is...let's say Ireland. Thing is that I don't really know if that's possible. So far I've tried to change the method in the service class executeQueryFindAll() to something like this.

     private Page<PurchaseOrder> executeQueryFindAll(int page, int maxResults) {
        final PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page, maxResults, sortByNameASC());
        Page<PurchaseOrder> purchaseOrders = purchaseOrderRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
        Page<PurchaseOrder> selectedPurchaseOrders = new Page<PurchaseOrder>();  //not possibile to instantiate as Page is abstract
        for(PurchaseOrder next : purchaseOrders){
                selectedPurchaseOrders.add(next); //thats lame because is not a LIST so it wont work
        return selectedPurchaseOrders;

    The above approach wont work because Page is an abstract class, therefore cannot be instantiated. I can loop through but I can't do selectedPurchaseOrders.add(next) because that's not a List. In debug mode I can evaluate the next.getCountry().getCountryname().toString() and I get the country name and that's why I've tried to compare the String object .equals("Ireland")).

    Any suggestion please?


    @Table(name = "PURCHASEORDER",schema = "POTOOL")
    public class PurchaseOrder {
    private int id;
    //other PurchaseOrder properties
    @JoinColumn(name = "country_id")
    private Country country;
    //Getter and Setters


    public interface PurchaseOrderRepository extends
        PagingAndSortingRepository<PurchaseOrder, Integer> {
    Page<PurchaseOrder> findByTowerLike(Pageable pageable, String name);


    public class PurchaseOrderService {
    private PurchaseOrderRepository purchaseOrderRepository;
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public PurchaseOrderListVO findAll(int page, int maxResults) {
        Page<PurchaseOrder> result = executeQueryFindAll(page, maxResults);
        if(shouldExecuteSameQueryInLastPage(page, result)){
            int lastPage = result.getTotalPages() - 1;
            result = executeQueryFindAll(lastPage, maxResults);
        return buildResult(result);
    private Page<PurchaseOrder> executeQueryFindAll(int page, int maxResults) {
        final PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page, maxResults,    sortByNameASC());
        return purchaseOrderRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
    //rest of the class 
  • user2342259
    user2342259 about 9 years
    This is not going to work, I've also tried to create a List of PurchaseOrder Objects and loop through but problem is when I return the object. I am returning a List rather then a Page<PurchaseOrder> which I can't cast...
  • user2342259
    user2342259 about 9 years
    Thanks I've got it sorted. I knew about the "Query creation from method names" but I didn't know that is also possible to do something like findByCountryCountryName while Country is separate entity which in my case is mapped as a ManytoOne relationship in the PurchaseOrder class