Spring - Redirect after POST (even with validation errors)


Solution 1

Since Spring 3.1 you can use RedirectAttributes. Add the attributes that you want to have available before doing the redirect. Add both, the BindingResult and the object that you are using to validate, in this case Register.

For BindingResult you will use the name: "org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.[name of your ModelAttribute]".

For the object that you are using to validate you will use the name of ModelAttribute.

To use RedirectAttributes you have to add this in your config file. Among other things you are telling to Spring to use some newer classes:

<mvc:annotation-driven />

Now the errors will be displayed wherever you are redirecting

@RequestMapping(value = "/submit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public final String submit(@ModelAttribute("register") @Valid final Register register, final BindingResult binding, RedirectAttributes attr, HttpSession session) {

if (binding.hasErrors()) {
    attr.addFlashAttribute("org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.register", binding);
    attr.addFlashAttribute("register", register);
    return "redirect:/register/create";

return "redirect:/register/success";

Solution 2

In addition to Oscar's nice answer, if you are following that RedirectAttributes approach, do not forget that you are actually passing the modelAttribute to the redirected page. This means if you create a new instance of that modelAttribute for the redirected page (in a controller), you will lose the validation errors. So, if your POST controller method is something like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/submit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public final String submit(@ModelAttribute("register") @Valid final Register register, final BindingResult binding, RedirectAttributes attr, HttpSession session) {

if (binding.hasErrors()) {
    attr.addFlashAttribute("org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.register", binding);
    attr.addFlashAttribute("register", register);
    return "redirect:/register/create";

return "redirect:/register/success";

Then you will probably need to do a modification in your register create page GET controller. From this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/register/create", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String registerCreatePage(Model model) {
    // some stuff
    model.addAttribute("register", new Register());
    // some more stuff


@RequestMapping(value = "/register/create", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String registerCreatePage(Model model) {
    // some stuff
    if (!model.containsAttribute("register")) {
        model.addAttribute("register", new Register());
    // some more stuff

Source: http://gerrydevstory.com/2013/07/11/preserving-validation-error-messages-on-spring-mvc-form-post-redirect-get/

Solution 3

I would question why you need the redirect. Why not just submit to the same URL and have it respond differently to a POST? Nevertheless, if you really want to do this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/submit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public final String submit(
    @ModelAttribute("register") @Valid final Register register,
    final BindingResult binding,
    HttpSession session) {

    if (binding.hasErrors()) {
        return "redirect:/register/create";

    return "redirect:/register/success";

Then in your "create" method:


Solution 4

The problem is you're redirecting to a new controller, rather than rendering the view and returning the processed form page. You need to do something along the lines of:

String FORM_VIEW = wherever_your_form_page_resides


if (binding.hasErrors())
    return FORM_VIEW;

I would keep the paths outside of any methods due to code duplication of strings.

Solution 5

The only way to persist objects between requests (ie a redirect) is to store the object in a session attribute. So you would include "HttpServletRequest request" in method parameters for both methods (ie, get and post) and retrieve the object via request.getAttribute("binding"). That said, and having not tried it myself you may need to figure out how to re-bind the binding to the object in the new request.

Another "un-nicer" way is to just change the browser URL using javascript

Taylor Leese
Author by

Taylor Leese

I herd cats and make services scale -- sometimes at the same time.

Updated on January 04, 2020


  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese over 4 years

    I'm trying to figure out how to "preserve" the BindingResult so it can be used in a subsequent GET via the Spring <form:errors> tag. The reason I want to do this is because of Google App Engine's SSL limitations. I have a form which is displayed via HTTP and the post is to an HTTPS URL. If I only forward rather than redirect then the user would see the https://whatever.appspot.com/my/form URL. I'm trying to avoid this. Any ideas how to approach this?

    Below is what I'd like to do, but I only see validation errors when I use return "create".

    @RequestMapping(value = "/submit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public final String submit(
        @ModelAttribute("register") @Valid final Register register,
        final BindingResult binding) {
        if (binding.hasErrors()) {
            return "redirect:/register/create";
        return "redirect:/register/success";
  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese about 14 years
    I will give this a try later today, but it already works fine if I forward. I'm trying to get it to work when I redirect.
  • Ichiro Furusato
    Ichiro Furusato about 14 years
    Understood, I was only suggesting the forward if after adding the BindingResult you don't actually see it.
  • Taylor Leese
    Taylor Leese almost 14 years
    The whole point is I want to do the redirect and still display the form errors. I know it will work fine if I forward to a view directly.
  • Hoàng Long
    Hoàng Long over 11 years
    your proposed way is interesting, however I think it would be even better if you can include some sample code
  • kevinmrohr
    kevinmrohr over 11 years
    It is definitely worth noting that the RedirectAttributes do not work in conjunction with the (obsolete?) ModelAndView concept. They assume your method returns a simple string, as the above example does.
  • user979051
    user979051 almost 11 years
    Tried your method, an exception is thrown: "Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'xxxx' available as request attribute"
  • rjsang
    rjsang almost 11 years
    Most likely an error in your JSP. mkyong.com/spring-mvc/…
  • OscarRyz
    OscarRyz over 10 years
    After this ( in my case ) the attribute is now in the model of the controller handling the redirection, but the binding result has no errors. I had to pass the list of errors and add them to the binding results like this: gist.github.com/OscarRyz/6381954
  • Jens
    Jens over 9 years
    when doing this i get the error: java.io.NotSerializableException: org.springframework.format.support.DefaultFormattingConversi‌​onService
  • adnans
    adnans over 9 years
    This solved it for me. Linked article explains it even better. Thanks.
  • borjab
    borjab over 9 years
    Common pitfall: change "register" in "org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.register" to the name of your modelAttribute
  • Rupesh Yadav.
    Rupesh Yadav. over 8 years
    This is more correct approach!!!!!!!! i didn't saw this answer and was struggling with @Oscar answer, one suggestion, for oscar that please add this answer to your answer so that your answer will be complete and no one will struggle like i did. :) thanks guys saved my time.
  • UTF_or_Death
    UTF_or_Death over 7 years
    A better way is to keep the object creation in the JSP file. Like this: <% if( request.getAttribute("register") == null ) reqest.setAttribute("register", new Register()) %>. If you have a lot of controllers resolving that view you don't want to put this logic into each and every one of them. And although Java code in JSP is considered bad practice this code is not business logic and really belongs to the form tag.
  • yonikawa
    yonikawa over 7 years
    @Lewis: Thanks man. This solution helped me with my issue. I had a 'post' that returns list of items and the user get redirected to a different page(details) when clicking on individual line items.I wanted to redirect back to the previous page from details page. I added a GET in the controller and passed the previously processed model to the initial view as you stated.
  • maxxyme
    maxxyme over 7 years
    A better way is to keep the object creation in the JSP file except if you don't have a JSP as view technology...
  • maxxyme
    maxxyme over 7 years
    If you can't access to the source article on gerrydevstory.com, here is an archived version: web.archive.org/web/20160606223639/https://gerrydevstory.com‌​/…
  • Menuka Ishan
    Menuka Ishan over 7 years
    As My point adding all the attributes to the session bad(unless its necessary). FlashAttributes can use once so I rather like to use it than session. But it depends on your aspect of developing. I uses FlashAttributes when I use single jsp for form submitting and Show success or failed messages without using JavaScript.
  • zutnop
    zutnop about 7 years
    @Jens the NotSerializableException is finally fixed in Spring 4.3.4 (it only took 5 years :)) jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-8282
  • Vikas Roy
    Vikas Roy almost 2 years
    I need help, when I use 'RedirectAttributes attr' then i get error : Failed to convert value of type 'org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult' .....