Spring REST LocalDate UTC differs of one day


I agree with the author of this article The 5 laws of API dates and times that we have to store and return time in UTC. And 'front-end' must decide itself how to convert the time value depending on the client time-zone.

To achieve this (store and return time in UTC) we set JVM parameter -Duser.timezone=UTC or add spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.jdbc.time_zone=UTC to application.properties (starting from Hibernate 5.2.3.Final). Then change time fields of our entities from LocalDateTime (that doesn't store time-zone info) to ZonedDateTime type.

After that the time values will be stored in UTC independently from the local time-zone of the computer where the application is started and SDR will return these values in ISO8601 form: 2017-07-02T11:58:10.089Z

But if it's necessary to return time values in the specific time-zone we have to setup @JsonFormat annotation to all of our time fields:

@JsonFormat(timezone = "Europe/Rome", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")
private ZonedDateTime createdDate;

Our we can define constant TIME_ZONE in our application and set it in @JsonFormat annotations: @JsonFormat(timezone = Application.TIME_ZONE, ...).

Then we get this output:

    "createdDate": "2017-07-02T14:11:45.964+0200",

Unfortunately, parameter spring.jackson.time-zone (based on my short investigation) affects only on service messages in the application, for example:

    "timestamp": "2017-07-02T14:14:09.486+0200",
    "status": 404,
    "error": "Not Found",
    "message": "No message available",
    "path": "/users"

To get time here in 'zoned' form we have to set properly spring.jackson.date-format parameter in the application.properties:

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • drenda
    drenda about 2 years

    I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.4, Hibernate 5.2.10, Spring Data REST, HATEOAS, JDK8 with LocalDate and LocalDateTime. My computer is on CEST timezone but I want the application works in UTC, so I set in application.properties:

    spring.jpa.hibernate.jdbc.time_zone = UTC

    According to this article I don't want to change the timezone of my JVM because seems not to be a best practice.

    Spring Data REST exposes my repositories and I use Swagger2 to have a nice interface to use API. When I try a endpoint I see something like:

      "_embedded": {
        "dailyCodes": [
            "sid": "d495cdaa-14f2-44cb-a98f-8aa6ddd43d91",
            "createdDate": "2017-06-28T16:20:01",
            "lastModifiedDate": "2017-06-28T16:20:01",
            "lastModifiedBy": "admin",
            "date": "2017-06-28",
            "code": "js",
            "new": false,
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/dailyCodes/1"
              "dailyCode": {
                "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/dailyCodes/1"

    Like you can see the datetime format is fine and also it display the CEST time even if in the db the real time is 14:20:01. I guess this is wrong because my REST API should work in UTC.

    How could I achieve this result?

    Always on the same topic, I've a REST endpoint (exposed by Spring Data REST) to search using LocalDate params; I'm using

    public interface DailyCodeRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<DailyCode, Long> {
    @Query("SELECT d FROM DailyCode d WHERE (:code IS NULL or code=:code) AND (:from IS NULL OR date>=:from) AND (:to IS NULL OR date<=:to)")
        public Page<DailyCode> findAllWithParameter(@Param("code") @RequestParam(value = "code", required = false) String code,
                @Param("from") @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) LocalDate from,
                @Param("to") @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) LocalDate to, Pageable pageable);

    Also in this case I've a strange thing: if I call the endpoint passing parameters, in the server they arrive with 1 day less. Furthemore the date pattern accepted seems to be the JDK default of my locale (Italian) but I guess it's not a best practice.

    Is there a best practice to follow to avoid any problems with date/time arguments in both direction?

    • rmalchow
      rmalchow almost 7 years
      I'm not very familiar with LocalDate and such. However, the jdbc.time_zone parameter only affects the conversion between inside the VM and the database. In the JDBC driver, there will be a Date object, which is basically era milliseconds without any timezone information. usually, when this is formatted as a (human readable) string, this would be done according to the timezone specified in the formatter OR the default timezone.
    • rmalchow
      rmalchow almost 7 years
      however, when it is formatted to be written to the database as a date, the jdbc.time_zone parameter is used for this conversion. i am not sure what happens when that Date object is converted to a LocalDate, but i am assuming that the problem you have lies there, rather than in the conversion between VM and DB.
  • drenda
    drenda almost 7 years
    I'm absolutely sure. In the DB the time is in UTC, but when I return the value using Spring REST the date is in my local time zone.
  • Cepr0
    Cepr0 almost 7 years
    I'm about that: spring.jpa.hibernate.jdbc.time_zone = UTC in your question. In my answer I suggest to use another option: 'spring.jackson.time-zone'
  • drenda
    drenda almost 7 years
    Yes I'm sure. This is a portion on my properties file: #Jackson spring.jackson.mapper.infer-property-mutators=false spring.jackson.time-zone=UTC
  • drenda
    drenda almost 7 years
    Are your JDK in a different timezone from UTC? Are you storing date in UTC format in the db?
  • Cepr0
    Cepr0 almost 7 years
    @drenda It doesn't matter now... I was misled by the time value in an error message. See my answer I updated it...
  • drenda
    drenda almost 7 years
    congratulation for the reply.Using ZonedDateTime in combination with @JsonFormat(timezone = "UTC", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") I've UTC reply in REST response. I'm wondering if there is a way to avoid use ZonedDateTime as entity field, or at least set a global JsonFormat. I've to set the annotation on all beans! Thanks