Spy on a service method call using jasmine Spies

describe('ViewMeetingCtrl', function () {

    var scope, meetingService;


    beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, _meetingService_) {
        scope = $rootScope.$new();
        meetingService = _meetingService_;
        $controller('ViewMeetingCtrl', {
            $scope: scope,
            meeting : {}

    it('should send cancel notices whan cancelMeeting is called', function() {
        var fakeHttpPromise = {
            success: function() {}
        spyOn(meetingService, 'sendCancelNotices').andReturn(fakeHttpPromise);

        scope.cancelMeeting('foo', 'bar');

        expect(meetingService.sendCancelNotices).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bar', 'foo');


I would encourage you to stop relying of HTTP promises being returned from services. Instead, just consider the service returns a promise. Those are easier to mock, and won't force you to rewrite your controller code when you don't return HTTP promises anymore.

In your controller:

    function cancelMeeting(meetingId, companyId) {
        meetingService.sendCancelNotices(companyId, meetingId)
            .then(function () {

In your test:

        var fakePromise = $q.when();
        spyOn(meetingService, 'sendCancelNotices')and.returnValue(fakePromise);

        scope.cancelMeeting('foo', 'bar');
        expect(meetingService.sendCancelNotices).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bar', 'foo');
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Malik
    Malik almost 2 years

    I have the following controller ViewMeetingCtrl.js

    (function () {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('MyApp').controller('ViewMeetingCtrl', ViewMeetingCtrl);
        ViewMeetingCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', '$http', '$translate', 'notificationService', 'meetingService', '$modal', 'meeting', 'attachmentService'];
        function ViewMeetingCtrl($scope, $state, $http, $translate, notificationService, meetingService, $modal, meeting, attachmentService) {
            $scope.meeting = meeting; 
            $scope.cancelMeeting = cancelMeeting;
            function cancelMeeting(meetingId, companyId) {
                meetingService.sendCancelNotices(companyId, meetingId)
                    .success(function () {

    I was able to succussfully invoke the spyOn for cancelMeeting() but not with the calling of sendCancelNotices method. What i want to do is , i want to test that whenever cancelMeeting() gets called , it calls sendCancelNotices() method . I know that i should go with createSpy method to do this . But i am not sure how to do it .

    Below is the test case ViewMeetingCtrlSpec.js

    describe('ViewMeetingCtrl CreateSpy --> Spying --> cancelMeeting', function () {
            var $rootScope, scope, $controller , $q  ;
            var sendCancelNoticesSpy = jasmine.createSpy('sendCancelNoticesSpy');
            beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller ) {
                scope = $rootScope.$new();
                createController = function() {
                    return $controller('ViewMeetingCtrl', {
                    $scope: scope,
                    meeting : {}
                var controller = new createController();
            it("tracks that the cancelMeeting spy was called", function() {
                //some assertion
  • Malik
    Malik almost 9 years
    thank you for your answer . that exactly what i wanted . however there was a small change needed to be done (and.returnValue()) since i am using jasmine 2.0
  • Shailesh Vaishampayan
    Shailesh Vaishampayan over 8 years
    In above code we are calling spyOn (and we can call createSpyObj to get entire mocked object)on real service instance of MeetingService.Correct?In our code we are just creating a spy object on a String object where value of the String is same as name of the service. We write something : beforeEach(function(){ $provide.factory("meetingService",function(){ meetingServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj("meetingService",['sendCancelNotices'])‌​; return meetingServiceMock;}); and then use this meetingServiceMock everywhere in "it" blocks. Even if it works correctly..do not think it makes sense does it?
  • JB Nizet
    JB Nizet over 8 years
    It does make sense, but it's more work, and you always have the risk of creating a mock service that doesn't have the same methods as the actual service.
  • Shailesh Vaishampayan
    Shailesh Vaishampayan over 8 years
    OK.it makes sense because you can still record and verify the spy calls. And it's more work because I have to explicitly retrieve it using one $provide per service I have to mock. Correct?
  • Shailesh Vaishampayan
    Shailesh Vaishampayan over 8 years
    And why is it a risk ? If I am explicitly listing which methods spies I want in the mocked object which I have to do anyway while creating a mock even if its the actual instance? Can you please explain. One risk is that I cannot use call through on the spy as the instance on which I am creating spies and mock is not actual service instance but a string instance. Am I correct in this assumption?
  • JB Nizet
    JB Nizet over 8 years
    It's a risk because your tests can pass even though the component they test uses methods that only exist in the mock, and not in the actual service.
  • Shailesh Vaishampayan
    Shailesh Vaishampayan over 8 years
    Yes. but I am including methods while creating mock that exist only in the service. Is my assumption in last comment correct about callThrough?
  • Shailesh Vaishampayan
    Shailesh Vaishampayan over 8 years
    Can you also please help me with following question :stackoverflow.com/questions/33938552/…
  • Tony Brasunas
    Tony Brasunas over 3 years
    Note that if you're reading this in 2020 or later, the jasmine functions have changed. Should be spyOn(meeetingService, 'sendCancelNotices').and.returnValue(fakeHttpPromise)