SQL FOR XML - Outputting data as Elements or as Attributes


Use @ to create attributes.

select SerialNo as "@id",
       PartNo as "activeState/@partNumber",
       convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) as "activeState/@shipmentDate"
from Products
where SerialNo = @SerialNo
for xml path('product')

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Updated on March 30, 2020


  • CJM
    CJM over 4 years

    I'm trying to export some data from a database in a particular XML format specified by the customer. The XML I produce will be manipulated (presumably by XSLT) by a 3rd party to produce the final output, but I want to formal my XML as close as I can to that format.

    The customer has requested data on each product like so:

    <product id="1234567890123">
        <activeState partNumber="A1234567890" shipmentDate="20110518" />

    My existing SQL is:

    SELECT SerialNo as id, 
        PartNo as partNumber,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) AS shipmentDate, 
    FROM Products
    WHERE SerialNo = @SerialNo
    FOR XML PATH ('product'), TYPE)

    ...which renders:


    I expect that it is easy enough to manipulate this data in XSLT, but purely as an intellectual exercise, I'd like to see how far I could in SQL. My first ambition was to simply express the id as an attribute of product rather than as a child element. The rendering of the activeState element I was going to leave to the XSLT, but clearly, if I can help them on their way, why not do so...

    Any suggestions?