SQL getting items not in a list


Solution 1

If you just want the list of e-mails that aren't already present, this seems much simpler:

SELECT e.email
) AS e(email)
    FROM dbo.UsersTbl 
    WHERE username = e.email

Or even simpler:

SELECT e.email 
) AS e(email)
SELECT username FROM dbo.UsersTbl;

To see why I prefer NOT EXISTS / EXCEPT over LEFT JOIN or other alternatives, see:


Solution 2

seems that you're just missing an alias after the "AS"

SELECT username,
        WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM UsersTbl tu WHERE E.email = tu.username) THEN 'Exist'
        ELSE 'Not Exist'
    END AS doesExist
FROM (VALUES('email1'),('email2'),('email3'),('email4')) E(email)

Solution 3

What you had was very close, you just needed to actually specify the alias for the second column. Also, I think you want to select E.email, not the null username column (if you were to join back on the table)

SELECT E.email,
        WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM UsersTbl tu WHERE E.email = tu.username) THEN 'Exist'
        ELSE 'Not Exist'
    END AS ex
FROM (VALUES('email1'),('email2'),('email3'),('email4')) E(email)

Although, to get the list of emails that were not imported, I would probably just do:

SELECT E.email
FROM (VALUES('email1'),('email2'),('email3'),('email4')) E(email)
LEFT OUTER JOIN UsersTbl tu ON E.email = tu.username
WHERE tu.username IS NULL


SELECT E.email
FROM (VALUES('email1'),('email2'),('email3'),('email4')) E(email)
    SELECT 1
    FROM UsersTbl tu 
    WHERE E.email = tu.username
Ban Atman
Author by

Ban Atman

Updated on July 10, 2022


  • Ban Atman
    Ban Atman almost 2 years

    I am using MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and I have a list of emails from a spreadsheet that I inserted into a query against a user table. Out of 821 emails in the list, it returned 759 rows. Is there any easy way to get it to return those emails not in the table? I only have read access to the database so cannot create a table with the email list - only get results. Here is a simplified version of the query I used to get the list of those emails that were there:

    select *
    from UserTbl
    where username in ('email1','email2','email3',...'email821')

    I could come up with a Unix shell solution, but it would be far more useful to know how to do it in MS SQL. I actually found something close to a solution from stackoverflow ("T-SQL: How to Select Values in Value List that are NOT IN the Table?") , but it did not seem to work for me (for my needs I would only want a list of those not in the table output):

    SELECT username,
            WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM UsersTbl tu WHERE E.email = tu.username) THEN 'Exist'
            ELSE 'Not Exist'
        END AS
    FROM (VALUES('email1'),('email2'),('email3'),('email4')) E(email)

    This gave me the error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'" when I run the query. As an aside, I was googling looking around for a description of the VALUES keyword used above and didn't find anything helpful on it.

    If anyone could help me out on this it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Ben

  • Ban Atman
    Ban Atman over 11 years
    On both versions I get the error "Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 6 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'VALUES'." Does VALUES allow the the list to be treated like a table?
  • Adir D
    Adir D over 11 years
    @BanAtman Your question was tagged as SQL Server 2008. Are you sure you're on SQL Server 2008 (or better)?
  • Ban Atman
    Ban Atman over 11 years
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.50.2500.0 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7601.17514 Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.7601.17514 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.5466 Operating System 6.1.7601
  • lc.
    lc. over 11 years
    @BanAtman Does select * from (values('foo')) bar(baz) work?
  • Lamak
    Lamak over 11 years
    @BanAtman Are you sure you are looking at the properties of the server instead of your computer?.
  • Ban Atman
    Ban Atman over 11 years
    I get "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'values'" for your simplified example as well (select * from (values('foo')....). The properties I listed were from the Help/About window where I click on the copy info. button.
  • lc.
    lc. over 11 years
    @BanAtman Well I can verify the syntax works on both SQLFiddle and my instance of SQL Server 2012. I wonder if the server you're connecting to is truly 2008... If you can't use the VALUES() derived table syntax you can create a temp table, insert all the values you expect and use that instead.
  • Ban Atman
    Ban Atman over 11 years
    I tried this but don't have permissions to access a file like that. I did modify your example though by writing a quick Unix routine to output all the INSERT into @UserTbl... lines (822 of them) and pasted it into MS SQL Server: Declare @UserTbl Table (email nVarchar(255));INSERT into @UserTbl VALUES('.......... etc. select * from @UserTbl where email not in (select username from TblUser) and it worked. If TblUser also had a field called email, how would I access the one from @TblUser as doing @TblUser.email didn't work?
  • HucKQC
    HucKQC over 11 years
    If you have a common email field what you can do is select * from @UserTbl ut join @TblUser tu On tu.email = ut.email and tu.username is null