SQL Group By including empty rows


Solution 1

SELECT pla.PlaceID, COUNT(peo.PersonID)
FROM Places AS pla LEFT OUTER JOIN People as peo ON peo.PlaceID = pla.PlaceID
GROUP BY pla.PlaceID

EDITed question:

Assuming there is always a FooConfig entry, we'll drop the LEFT JOIN to that table (as it'll always be there). We can then include the extra criteria in the join to the Foo table:

    ft.FooTypeID, COUNT(f.FooID)
FROM FooType as ft
  JOIN FooConfig fc ON ft.NotificationConfigID = fc.FooConfigID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Foo f ON ft.FooTypeID = f.FooTypeID AND
    DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) > 0 AND
    DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) < fc.Days

If the FooConfig table is optional, then the extra date criteria can't be used (as they would always evaluate to false) - so we'd have to do something like:

    ft.FooTypeID, COUNT(f.FooID)
FROM FooType as ft
  LEFT OUTER JOIN FooConfig fc ON ft.NotificationConfigID = fc.FooConfigID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Foo f ON ft.FooTypeID = f.FooTypeID AND
      (DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) > 0 AND
       DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) < fc.Days) 
      (fc.Days IS NULL)

Solution 2

You can use a column query

select pla.PlaceID, ISNULL((select COUNT(*) 
                             from People 
                             where PlaceID = pla.PlaceID),0) as peopleCount
from Places as pla
order by PlaceID
Mike Caron
Author by

Mike Caron

My languages: public class MikeCaron { public override ToString() { return "Just some guy :)"; } public IEnumerable&lt;string&gt; Tags { get { return new [] { "#SOreadytohelp" }; } } } And: @interface MikeCaron : NSObject @property (readonly) NSString * description; @end @implementation MikeCaron -(NSString*)description { return @"Just some guy :)"; } @end

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Mike Caron
    Mike Caron almost 2 years

    For the sake of this question, let's suppose this table structure:

    PersonID int PK
    Name varchar(50)
    Place int NULL FK -> Places.PlaceID
    MovedIn datetime
    PlaceID int PK
    Name varchar(50)

    I want to determine how many people live at each place:

    SELECT pla.PlaceID, COUNT(*)
    FROM Places AS pla
    LEFT JOIN People as peo ON peo.PlaceID = pla.PlaceID
    GROUP BY pla.PlaceID

    This query will omit places that have no people living there. Is there any way to make it count 0 instead?

    (I'm targetting SQL Server 2005, in the off chance that it matters)

    EDIT: Here's my real (anonymized) query, after trying to adapt Steve's solution:

        ft.FooTypeID, COUNT(f.FooID)
    FROM FooType as ft
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Foo f ON ft.FooTypeID = f.FooTypeID
    LEFT JOIN FooConfig fc ON ft.NotificationConfigID = fc.FooConfigID
        DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) > 0 AND
        DateDiff(day, GetDate(), f.Date) < fc.Days
    GROUP BY ft.FooTypeID

    (The translation between my initial example and this is: Foo -> People, FooType -> Places, FooConfig -> A third table, for extra fun) I can make this work with Fosco's solution, but I'd prefer Steve's.

  • Steve Mayne
    Steve Mayne almost 13 years
    It'll work but it's inefficient by comparison to the JOIN solution, is it not?
  • dburges
    dburges almost 13 years
    That's much simpler than the case statement I wrote. Can't believe I didn't think of that.
  • Mike Caron
    Mike Caron almost 13 years
    Most excellent! I was able to adapt it to me real (much more complicated) query without any trouble, so I'm happy! Soon as I am able to accept...
  • dburges
    dburges almost 13 years
    This would be a very poor performer (correlated subqueries operate row-by-agonizing-row and should be avoided) and @Steve Mayne has a better solution both from a maintainabilty and performance perspective.
  • Fosco
    Fosco almost 13 years
    Glad it could help. I also like Steve's solution... So many ways to get what you want with SQL. To the downvoter, you know it's wrong to downvote a working solution, right?
  • Mike Caron
    Mike Caron almost 13 years
    @Conrad, why whatever are you talking about?
  • Mike Caron
    Mike Caron almost 13 years
    @Steve, the problem with your solution is that my real query is a lot more complicated (I'm joining in several tables to pull dates and stuff), and I can't get it to work. I will update my question with something a lot close to my real query, and maybe you can help.
  • Mike Caron
    Mike Caron almost 13 years
    Your first revision is perfect! The Config column IS optional, but in that case I don't care about it anyway, so it works perfectly!
  • Conrad Frix
    Conrad Frix almost 13 years
    @Steve Just so you know I do prefer what you did