SQL Server - Cross join with where / on condition


Yes, it is called an inner join:

select *
from t1 inner join
     t1 t2
     on t1.Month = t2.Month

You could express the same thing using where and cross join, but I think an inner join is better than:

select *
from t1 cross join
     t1 t2
where t1.Month = t2.Month;

Note that you are using select *, which means that you will have duplicate column names and not know which t1 they are coming from. If that is an issue, ask another question.

Author by



Updated on June 14, 2022


  • screechOwl
    screechOwl almost 2 years

    I have a table with monthly data for employees that I'd like to do cross joins but only after making sure they're in the same month. Table looks like this:

      Month      Emp_id
    1/1/2017      123
    1/1/2017      234
    1/1/2017      345
    1/1/2017      456
    2/1/2017      123
    2/1/2017      234
    2/1/2017      345

    I'd like to do something like this:

    select *
    from t1
    cross join t1 as t2
       on t1.Month = t2.Month

    Is there a way to do this?


    To elaborate, if I have 100 employees in each month and 12 months I'm looking to get an output table with 120,000 rows (100 * 100 Cartesian for each month, times 12 (1 for each month) instead of doing a full Cartesian which would be 1,440,000.

    • Larnu
      Larnu about 6 years
      You mean an INNER JOIN? A CROSS JOIN is used to create a cartesian product, you don't use an ON clause with it. Edit: you could use a WHERE clause, however then the CROSS JOIN implicitly becomes an INNER JOIN, and then using the correct syntax would be better.
    • screechOwl
      screechOwl about 6 years
      @Larnu - yes - is there a way to create a cartesian but only within a given month?
    • Larnu
      Larnu about 6 years
      I don't actually understand what you mean. Sorry. You might want to try to elaborate more in your question.
  • screechOwl
    screechOwl about 6 years
    Will inner join give me cartesian within each month?
  • MatBailie
    MatBailie about 6 years
    @screechOwl - An INNER JOIN takes every row in the left hand table (t1) and matches it against every row in the right hand table (t2) where the join predicate (t1.Month = t2.Month) evaluates to TRUE. I strongly recommend simply going through a basic SQL Tutorial which will elaborate on the for you.