SQL Server : FOR XML PATH - nesting / grouping


Solution 1

        from @Orders rsLineItem
        where rsLineItem.OrderID = rsOrders.OrderID
        for xml path('LineItem'), type
from (select distinct OrderID, CustomerID from @Orders) rsOrders
FOR XML PATH ('Order'), root ('Root')

Solution 2

For completion: here is a solution without subselect, that should perform faster for big tables. Instead it groups the table as many times as there are levels in the XML and identifies the level with GROUPING_ID (see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522495(v=sql.105).aspx and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/xml/use-explicit-mode-with-for-xml) :

with rsOrders as (
  select '10000' OrderID, '1234' CustomerID, '111111' ItemID, 'Product A' ItemName union
  select '10000' orderId, '1234' customerID, '222222' itemID, 'Product B' ItemName union
  select '10000' orderId, '1234' customerID, '333333' itemID, 'Product C' ItemName union
  select '20000' orderId, '5678' customerID, '111111' itemID, 'Product A' ItemName union
  select '20000' orderId, '5678' customerID, '222222' itemID, 'Product B' ItemName union
  select '20000' orderId, '5678' customerID, '333333' itemID, 'Product C' ItemName 
select case 
         when GROUPING_ID(ItemID) = 0 then 3 
         when GROUPING_ID(OrderID) = 0 then 2 
         else 1 
         end as tag,
           when GROUPING_ID(ItemID) = 0 then 2 
         when GROUPING_ID(OrderID) = 0 then 1 
         else null
       end as parent,
       null       as 'Root!1',
       OrderID    as 'Order!2!OrderID!element', 
       CustomerID as 'Order!2!CustomerID!element', 
       ItemID     as 'LineItem!3!ItemID!element', 
       ItemName   as 'LineItem!3!ItemName!element'
  from rsOrders
 group by grouping sets ((), (OrderID, CustomerID), (OrderID, CustomerID, ItemID, ItemName))
 order by OrderID, CustomerID, ItemID, ItemName
   for xml explicit, type

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Updated on August 09, 2020


  • jared
    jared almost 4 years

    I have data that looks like:

    OrderID CustomerID  ItemID  ItemName
    10000   1234        111111  Product A
    10000   1234        222222  Product B
    10000   1234        333333  Product C
    20000   5678        111111  Product A
    20000   5678        222222  Product B
    20000   5678        333333  Product C

    I want to write a T-SQL query in SQL Server to return the data like this:

          <ItemName>Product A</ItemName>
          <ItemName>Product B</ItemName>
          <ItemName>Product B</ItemName>
          <ItemName>Product A</ItemName>
          <ItemName>Product B</ItemName>
          <ItemName>Product B</ItemName>

    I've tried returning the query in XML using:

    FOR XML PATH ('Order'), root ('Root')

    But that gives me an Order node for each row (6 in total) vs. just an order node for each orderId (2 in total).

    Any ideas?

  • jared
    jared almost 12 years
    Thanks Bert. What does 'type' do in the subquery 'for xml path' statement?
  • Bert
    Bert almost 12 years
    @jared It means, 'return this as the XML data type.' So in the query above, it's just returning the subquery as a small xml fragment.