SQL Server Row_number() OVER with GROUP BY


In your CTE, you had social_user_messages_index misspelled. I also removed the Group BY SenderId you had a few places, and updated the CTE. If this doesn't do what you were hoping, let me know and I can tweak it:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetConversationPaged]
@userId int,
@isRead bit,
@PageNumber int,
@PageSize int

   DECLARE @FirstRow  INT, @LastRow   INT, @RowCount  INT, @PageCount INT 
   --- find recordcount and pages 
   SELECT @RowCount = COUNT(1) OVER()
      , @PageCount = COUNT(*) OVER() / @PageSize 
   FROM   dbo.social_user_messages_index AS s
   WHERE  s.recipientId = @userId and s.isRead=@isRead

   --- calculate pages
   IF @RowCount % @PageSize != 0 SET @PageCount = @PageCount + 1 
   IF @PageNumber < 1 SET @PageNumber = 1 
   IF @PageNumber > @PageCount SET @PageNumber = @PageCount 

   --- select paging data
   SELECT currentpage = @PageNumber
      , totalpages = @PageCount
      , totalrows = @RowCount;
   SET @FirstRow = ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1;
   SET @LastRow = ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + @PageSize; 

   --- select records     
   WITH mytable AS
      SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY MessageId DESC) AS rownumber
         , du.name as senderName
         , m.Message
         , senderId
      FROM social_user_messages_index AS s
      INNER JOIN dbo.domains_users AS du ON s.SenderId = du.id
      INNER JOIN dbo.social_user_messages AS m ON s.messageId = m.id
      WHERE s.recipientId = @userId
         AND s.isRead=@isRead
   SELECT * 
   FROM   mytable 
   WHERE  rownumber BETWEEN @FirstRow AND @LastRow 
   ORDER  BY rownumber ASC;
mohammed yaseen
Author by

mohammed yaseen

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • mohammed yaseen
    mohammed yaseen almost 2 years

    I have "GetConversationPaged" sp that selects paged data from table called "user_messages_index" and includes "lastmesage" in conversation from table called "social_user_messages". I'm not sure if it can be fine tuned but it works with one thing missing. I want to sort "Row_number" by lastMessageId which i get with select MAX(messageId).

    PS: I have message index and messages tables because i wanted people to send same message to multiple recipients. Instead of inserting same message over and over i use index table

    So, how can I sort results by latest message id?

    Here are table and sps i'm using

    --index table--

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[social_user_messages_index](
    [senderId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [recipientId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [messageId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [isRead] [bit] NOT NULL
     ) ON [PRIMARY]

    --messages table--

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[social_user_messages](
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [message] [nvarchar](1000) NOT NULL,
    [sendDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetConversationPaged]
    @userId int,
    @isRead bit,
    @PageNumber int,
    @PageSize int
        DECLARE @FirstRow  INT, @LastRow   INT, @RowCount  INT, @PageCount INT 
        --- find recordcount and pages 
        SELECT @RowCount = COUNT(1) OVER(), 
               @PageCount = COUNT(*) OVER() / @PageSize 
                FROM   social_user_mesages_index s
                WHERE  s.recipientId = @userId and s.isRead=@isRead
                GROUP BY senderId 
        --- calculate pages
        IF @RowCount % @PageSize != 0 SET @PageCount = @PageCount + 1 
        IF @PageNumber < 1  SET @PageNumber = 1 
        IF @PageNumber > @PageCount  SET @PageNumber = @PageCount 
        --- select paging data
        SELECT currentpage = @PageNumber, totalpages = @PageCount, totalrows = @RowCount 
        SET @FirstRow = ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1;
        SET @LastRow = ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + @PageSize; 
        --- select records     
        WITH mytable 
             AS (
                SELECT  Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS rownumber,
                        (Select name from domains_users d where d.id=s.senderId) as senderName,
                        (select MAX(messageId)) as lastMessageId,
                        (select m.[message] from social_user_messages m where m.id = (select MAX(messageId))) as [message]
                        --,(select m.sendDate from social_user_messages m where m.id = (select MAX(messageId))) as lastMessageDate
                FROM   social_user_mesages_index s
                WHERE  s.recipientId = @userId and s.isRead=@isRead
                GROUP BY senderId 
        SELECT * 
        FROM   mytable 
        WHERE  rownumber BETWEEN @FirstRow AND @LastRow 
        ORDER  BY rownumber ASC; 
  • Adam Wenger
    Adam Wenger over 12 years
    I also assumed dbo.domains_users is just id INT and name NVARCHAR since you did not supply more information about it.