SQL take just the numeric values from a varchar


Solution 1

Here's the example with PATINDEX:

select SUBSTRING(fieldName, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', fieldName), LEN(fieldName))

This assumes (1) the field WILL have a numeric, (2) the numerics are all grouped together, and (3) the numerics don't have any subsequent characters after them.

Solution 2

Extract only numbers (without using while loop) and check each and every character to see if it is a number and extract it

   Declare @s varchar(100),@result varchar(100)
    set @s='as4khd0939sdf78' 
    set @result=''

                case when number like '[0-9]' then number else '' end from 
             select substring(@s,number,1) as number from 
                select number from master..spt_values 
                where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@s)
            ) as t
        ) as t 
    select @result as only_numbers 

Solution 3

Well if you don't want to create a function, you can just something like this:

,'U',''),'V',''),'W',''),'X',''),'Y',''),'Z',''),'$',''),',',''),' ','') as float) 

Solution 4

input table

if you have data like above in the image, then use the below query

select field_3 from table where PATINDEX('%[ ~`!@#$%^&*_()=+\|{};",<>/?a-z]%', field_3)=0

Results will be look like this

Result table

Solution 5

I think you're wanting VBA's Val() function. Easy enough to accomplish with IsNumeric()

create function Val 
    @text nvarchar(40)
returns float
as begin
    -- emulate vba's val() function
    declare @result float 
    declare @tmp varchar(40)

    set @tmp = @text
    while isnumeric(@tmp) = 0 and len(@tmp)>0 begin
        set @tmp=left(@tmp,len(@tmp)-1)
    set @result = cast(@tmp as float)

    return @result
Author by


C#, Blazor,MVC, .NetCore 5/6 , AZURE, SQL Server Developer with 11 years experience

Updated on December 10, 2021


  • JsonStatham
    JsonStatham over 2 years

    Say i have a few fields like the following:


    Type: varchar.

    How do I take just the numeric values from this to display:


    Have tried substring however the data varies in length, and cast didnt work either due to being unable to convert, any ideas?

  • user990016
    user990016 over 7 years
    I'm looking at your example and it gives a conversion to int error if the column does not contain any numbers. Any thoughts?
  • user990016
    user990016 over 7 years
    And, what if the field has no numbers?
  • Steve can help
    Steve can help almost 7 years
    This solution will haunt my dreams forever.
  • dllhell
    dllhell over 6 years
    disturbing indeed
  • Sean
    Sean over 6 years
    @user990016 then add a where clause to filter those records out, or a case statement to return a default value for those records. So: WHERE fieldName LIKE '%[0-9]%' and CASE WHEN fieldName NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%' THEN 'DEFAULT_VALUE' ELSE SUBSTRING(fieldName, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', fieldName), LEN(fieldName)) END
  • SteveCav
    SteveCav over 5 years
    Ah, the heady days of LISP.
  • Nathan Smiechowski
    Nathan Smiechowski about 5 years
    How can I unsee this?
  • Reuel Ribeiro
    Reuel Ribeiro almost 5 years
    It is beautiful yet ugly at the same time 😂. But seriously, don't use it for real production code for both performance and for readability reasons.
  • Borjovsky
    Borjovsky about 3 years
    "I have no respect for those who have no respect for logic." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Nitin Deb
    Nitin Deb about 3 years
    What if the string starts with numbers and then characters and then again numbers? For example: '123abc$%10xyz9'. How can I get '123109' as the result with a select statement?