SQLAlchemy: Check if object is already present in table


Solution 1

The most efficient way is to use exists()

q = session.query(Item.id).filter(Item.email==email)
session.query(q.exists()).scalar()    # returns True or False

Solution 2

You could query for items that have the same attributes and check if the count is greater than zero.

if session.query(Item.id).filter(Item.email==newItem.email,
                                 Item.type==newItem.type).count() > 0:
    // item exists

Solution 3

You could try something similar to this:

from sqlalchemy import exc

except exc.IntegrityError:
    print 'This item fails one of the unique/foreign key checks!'
    print 'There was another error'
    print 'Everything is OK'

This has the problem that it acts upon committing, and then rolls back...

Another option, if you can check the properties individually, then this might work:

session.query(Item).filter_by(x=item.x, y=item.y).count() == 0
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I am no longer active on this site, but if my posts help you and/or you need further help, do let me know on Twitter at @missingfaktor. I will try my best to respond! Note: This profile description was written for StackOverflow, and was copied to all other StackExchange sites as-is.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • missingfaktor
    missingfaktor about 2 years

    I have a class Item whose id is a primary key and auto-generated. Now I read data from some other external source, create an Item object, and need to check if this object is already present in my items table. How do I do it?

  • kalu
    kalu over 10 years
    The >0 is redundant since count() returns zero if no matches are found and a positive integer otherwise.
  • Brendon Crawford
    Brendon Crawford about 10 years
    @kalu: "Explicit is better than implicit." -- The Zen of Python
  • Salami
    Salami about 8 years
    Using count makes the database do more work then it needs to. See my answer below for an efficient method.