SSH login without password with kerberos


Solution 1

You probably need to add the server to the kerberos data base aka KDC by creating a principal for the machine itself.

If you are running Windows Active Directory with a KDC you can use the ktpass.exe to add the host to the KDC.

if you are running Windows or Linux Kerberos KDC you can use the ktutil command in a linux shell to at the principal to the kerberos database.

Solution 2

It might be that NTPD service has gone down, Atleast in my case, when checked the status , service failed with logs having PANIC_STOP, try below steps-

  1. systemctl stop ntpd
  2. systemctl status ntpd
  3. Please take note of one of the servers in /etc/ntpd.conf
  4. ntpdate <ABOVE SERVER>
  5. systemctl start ntpd

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • pfnuesel
    pfnuesel almost 2 years

    I try to login onto a server which only supports login with kerberos authentication. Here's what I try:

    kinit [email protected]
    aklog -c
    ssh server

    But then I'm asked again for a password.

    Here's what I have in my ~/.ssh/config for the entry server (my /etc/ssh/ssh_config is empty):

    Host server
        User user
        ForwardX11 yes
        ForwardX11Trusted yes
        GSSAPIAuthentication yes
        GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes

    According to colleagues, this (or something similar) is working for them. I can log onto other machines with kerberos tokens just fine. I assume it has something to do with my /etc/krb5.conf, but I do not know what to look for. I tried copying the /etc/krb5.conf from the server to my working station, but without success.

    Here's part of the output if I run ssh -vvv server:

    debug1: Next authentication method: gssapi-with-mic
    debug1: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
    Server not found in Kerberos database
    debug1: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
    Server not found in Kerberos database
    debug1: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
    debug2: we sent a gssapi-with-mic packet, wait for reply

    How can I login with my local kerberos token? What am I doing wrong?

    • MikeA
      MikeA over 7 years
      Can't you just create a key and put the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server? man ssh-keygen
    • pfnuesel
      pfnuesel over 7 years
      @MikeA The server accepts only connections with a valid kerberos token.
    • VenkatC
      VenkatC over 7 years
      Try setting GSSAPIAuthentication yes in your ~/.ssh/config file and retry. Also look at PreferredAuthentications setting and make sure you have gssapi-with-mic first
    • pfnuesel
      pfnuesel over 7 years
      @VenkatC I tried both of these before, no success.
    • VenkatC
      VenkatC over 7 years
      From your ssh debug above, I do not see it's trying to use kerberos credentials anywhere. would you post ssh output with GSSAPIAuthentication, GSSAPIKeyExchange both set to yes ? also post klist output before ssh
    • pfnuesel
      pfnuesel over 7 years
      @VenkatC Sorry, I somehow missed your second comment. I've updated the question now by adding GSSAPIAuthentication yes to the ~/.ssh/config and the important part of the ssh -vvv command.
    • larsks
      larsks over 7 years
      The error "server not found in kerberos database" generally means that the host to which you're trying to connect does not have a valid /etc/krb5.keytab file.
    • pfnuesel
      pfnuesel over 7 years
      @larsks Thanks. So do I understand correctly it's a problem on the server? I wonder why other people then can connect though.
    • VenkatC
      VenkatC over 7 years
      make sure DNS resolves properly for server - both forward and reverse lookup. This is important for kerberos functionality. Also clarify, if other users could log on to same server from the same client you are trying to connect.
  • RalfFriedl
    RalfFriedl about 5 years
    Some of the steps are not necessary, and it would make sense to first verify whether the time is actually wrong.