SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request


Just because I disable IPv6, I need to add AddressFamily inet to /etc/ssh/sshd_config., I was too careless before. I'm sorry.

The third answer: Link

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • st_clair_clarke
    st_clair_clarke over 1 year

    I have the following ...

    ngDoCheck() {
        let changes = this.differ.diff( this.immunization )
        if ( changes ) {
          changes.forEachChangedItem( r => {
            /// previously worked API
            console.log( r.currentValue.keys )  /// does not work
            console.log( r.key )  /// does not work
            console.log( 'changes detected' )
            changes.forEachChangedItem( r => console.log( 'changed ', r.currentValue ) )      
          } )
    //      changes.forEachChangedItem( ( elt ) => {
    //        switch ( elt.key ) {
    //          case 'disease':
    //            console.log( 'Disease has changed' )
    //        }
    //      } )

    I am attempting to get the key of the property that changes with the ngDoCheck(), but without much success in the code above. Any help is appreciated

    EDIT 1

    export class Immunization {
      disease: string
    immunization = new Immunization() // r logs immunization property change