SSH Tunnel connect 2 Servers via third Server


Solution 1

On C you can run

ssh -fNR [email protected]

It will only work if you login as root user because 443 is a privileged port. Moreover it only works if sshd on A is configured with GatewayPorts set to yes or clientspecified. (The default is no and using yes cannot be recommended, so if you want to do it this way I recommend clientspecified).

Solution 2

This is not quite how SSH tunnels work.You can get near to what you describe, but not exactly in the way you draw it up.

2 options are available to you:

  1. use Local port forwarding
  2. use Dynamic port forwarding

1) Local port forwarding

This requires you to change your approach: the tunnel needs to be opened from the client, from D in your diagram. it is easy to achieve, on the client (D) just do a

ssh -L 443: [email protected]

of course that requires you to:

  • have shell access or a putty client on D
  • have a user on the proxy (C) that D can login to
  • be able to connect from D to C via ssh
  • have the X11Forwarding and AllowTcpForwarding set to yes in the server config on C

I will explain Dynamic port forwarding in a moment


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • mac.1
    mac.1 over 1 year

    I have 3 Servers, A is a public accessable Server in the Internet. B Hosts a Webservice I want to access. C has access rights to connect to A and B.

    Now i want that if a Client D tries to access a special Port on A that he gets forwarded to B.

    IP's and Ports


    • SSHD Server
    • Public Port which i want to use


    • SSHD Server
    • Webservice I want to access






      +------------+        +------------+
      | Client (D) +--------> Public (A) |
      +------------+        +-----^------+
      +----------------+    +-----------+
      | Webservice (B) <----+ Proxy (C) |
      +----------------+    +-----------+


    What ssh tunnel Commands do i need to execute on C so that if i try to open on D i get the service hosted on ?

    • Admin
      Admin about 7 years
      I think i got half of it working by creating an ssh Relay with the following command: ssh -R 443: [email protected] -p 22 This way, any connection from A to localhost:443 will return However It is not possible to access yet from Client D
    • Admin
      Admin about 7 years
      What you search is something like SSH VPN
    • Admin
      Admin about 7 years
      You need to allow remote connects with the -o GatewayPorts yes option
  • mac.1
    mac.1 about 7 years
    Between D and A ist the Internet and between A and C is the Internet. Only B and C are in the same network. So i don't think i can do local port forwarding. I will take a look at dynamic port forwarding
  • AndreasPolzInfonova
    AndreasPolzInfonova about 7 years
    local port forwarding would still work for you, if you can reach C from D, and C can reach B. But you really need to be able to start the tunnel from a shell or a putty on D, the client. If you cannot do this, your only options is Dynamic port forwarding.
  • rudimeier
    rudimeier about 7 years
    You could avoid all the problems using socat and sudo. e.g: ssh "sudo -b socat tcp-l:443,fork,reuseaddr tcp: 2>/dev/null 2>&1".
  • kasperd
    kasperd about 7 years
    @rudimeier You are assuming there is a route between A and B. The question sort of implies there isn't any such route.
  • rudimeier
    rudimeier about 7 years
    Ah, ok. Anyways, in this case (and if C is reachable by A) I would run one socat on A (forward A to C) and another socat on C (forward C to B). The advantage is that it's more easy to start the tunnels onboot on A and C independently without any auto-ssh-login involved.