Stack Size Estimation


Solution 1


An online method is to paint the complete stack with a certain value, like 0xAAAA (or 0xAA, whatever your width is). Then you can check how large the stack has maximally grown in the past by checking how much of the painting is left untouched.

Have a look at this link for an explanation with illustration.

The advantage is that it's simple. A disadvantage is that you cannot be certain that your stack size won't eventually exceed the amount of used stack during your testing.

Static Evaluation

There are some static checks and I think there even exists a hacked gcc version that tries to do this. The only thing I can tell you is that static checking is very difficult to do in the general case.

Also have a look at this question.

Solution 2

You can use a static analysis tool like StackAnalyzer, if your target fits the requirements.

Solution 3

If you want spend significant money you can use a commercial static analysis tool like Klocwork. Although Klocwork is primarily aimed at detecting software defects and security vulnerabilities. However, it also has a tool called 'kwstackoverflow' that can be used to detect stack overflow within a task or thread. I'm using for the embedded project that I work on, and I have had positive results. I don't think any tool like this is perfect, but I believe these commericial tools are very good. Most of the tools I have come across struggle with function pointers. I also know that many compiler vendors like Green Hills now build similar functionality right into their compilers. This is probably the best solution because the compiler has intimate knowledge of all the details needed to make accurate decisions about the stack size.

If you have the time, I'm sure you can use a scripting language to make your own stack overflow analysis tool. The script would need to identify the entry point of the task or thread, generate a complete function call tree, and then calculate the amount of stack space that each function uses. I suspect there are probably free tools available that can generate a complete function call tree so that should make it easier. If you know the specifics of your platform generating the stack space each function uses can be very easy. For example, the first assembly instruction of a PowerPC function often is the store word with update instruction that adjusts the stack pointer by the amount needed for the function. You can take the size in bytes right from the first instruction which makes determining the total stack space used relatively easy.

These types of analysis will all give you an approximation of the worst case upper bound for stack usage which is exactly what you want to know. Of course, pundits (like the ones I work with) might complain that you're allocating too much stack space, but they are dinosaurs that don't care about good software quality :)

One other possibility, although it doesn't calculate stack usage would be to use the memory management unit (MMU) of your processor (if it has one) to detect stack overflow. I have done this on VxWorks 5.4 using a PowerPC. The idea is simple, just put a page of write protected memory at the very top of your stack. If you overflow, a processor execption will occur and you will quickly be alerted to the stack overflow problem. Of course, it doesn't tell you by how much you need to increase the stack size, but if your good with debugging exception/core files you can at least figure out the calling sequence that overflowed the stack. You can then use this information to increase your stack size appropriately.


Solution 4

Not free, but Coverity does static analysis of the stack.

Solution 5

As discussed in the answer to this question, a common technique is to initialise the stack with a known value and then to run the code for a while and see where the pattern stops.

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • jeremytrimble
    jeremytrimble almost 2 years

    In multi-threaded embedded software (written in C or C++), a thread must be given enough stack space in order to allow it to complete its operations without overflowing. Correct sizing of the stack is critical in some real-time embedded environments, because (at least in some systems I've worked with), the operating system will NOT detect this for you.

    Usually, the stack size for a new thread (other than the main thread) is designated at the time that thread is created (i.e. in an argument to pthread_create() or the like). Often, these stack sizes are hard-coded to values that are known to be good at the time the code was originally written or tested.

    However, future changes to the code often break the assumptions on which the hard-coded stack sizes were based, and one fateful day, your thread enters one of the deeper branches of its call graph and overflows the stack -- bringing down the whole system or silently corrupting memory.

    I have personally seen this problem in the case where code executed in the thread declares struct instances on the stack. When the struct is augmented to hold additional data, the stack size inflates accordingly, potentially allowing stack overflows to occur. I imagine this could be a huge problem for established codebases where the full effects of adding fields to a structure cannot be known immediately (too many threads/functions to find all the places where that struct is used).

    Since the usual response to "stack sizing" questions is "they're not portable", let's assume that the compiler, operating system, and processor are all known quantities for this investigation. Let's also assume recursion isn't used, so we're not dealing with the possibility an "infinite recursion" scenario.

    What are some reliable ways to estimate the necessary stack size for a thread? I'd prefer methods that are offline (static analysis) and automatic, but all ideas are welcome.