Start android service from Unity3D code


Below are two ways to send Activity instance/reference to Java plugin that doesn't use the onCreate function or extend from UnityPlayerActivity.

Method 1: Send Activity reference once then store it in a static variable in Java for re-usual:


public final class StatusCheckStarter {

    static Activity myActivity;

    // Called From C# to get the Activity Instance
    public static void receiveActivityInstance(Activity tempActivity) {
        myActivity = tempActivity;

    public static void StartCheckerService() {
        myActivity.startService(new Intent(myActivity, CheckService.class));


AndroidJavaClass unityClass;
AndroidJavaObject unityActivity;
AndroidJavaClass customClass;

void Start()
    //Replace with your full package name

   //Now, start service

void sendActivityReference(string packageName)
    unityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
    unityActivity = unityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
    customClass = new AndroidJavaClass(packageName);
    customClass.CallStatic("receiveActivityInstance", unityActivity);

void startService()

Method 2: Send Activity reference in each function call.


public final class StatusCheckStarter {

    public static void StartCheckerService(Activity tempActivity) {
        tempActivity.startService(new Intent(tempActivity, CheckService.class));


void Start()
    //Replace with your full package name

void startService(string packageName)
    AndroidJavaClass unityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
    AndroidJavaObject unityActivity = unityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
    AndroidJavaClass customClass = new AndroidJavaClass(packageName);
    customClass.CallStatic("StartCheckerService", unityActivity);

Note: You must replace com.example.StatusCheckStarter with the full package of your StatusCheckStarter class.

Sam Stone
Author by

Sam Stone

My employers give me so diversified tasks that I feel like becoming a guru of programming without at the same time without any good skill in at least one branch. It makes me sad.

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • Sam Stone
    Sam Stone almost 2 years

    In my Unity3D application for android I need to start a service, which will run in background. I can't figure it out how can I do it. The method startService() has to be invoked on an activity, but I do not know how to pass the current unity activity from unity script to my android plugin. And I haven't found any way to get the activity in a static method and run startService() in it.

    As far as I understand the sequence, I need to get main Unity3D activity and start the service from it.

    My class which is supposed to call the service.

    public final class StatusCheckStarter {
        public static void StartCheckerService()
            startService(new Intent(this, CheckService.class));

    This code does not work, because "Cannot resolve method startService" and I have nothing to pass in this argument. I need to get the current activity.

  • Sam Stone
    Sam Stone almost 8 years
    First method worked, I didn't even have to try the second one. Thank you.
  • Programmer
    Programmer over 6 years
    @TengkuFathullah With Android Studio. Compile it into jar or aar plugin extension and place it in your Unity Assets/Plugins/Android path. This is not the scope of this answer and you can literally google how to make Java plugin for Unity.
  • Tengku Fathullah
    Tengku Fathullah over 6 years
    @Programmer I have go through many website but stumble with android studio I have no idea whether I need to extend service class or activity. I have added new android module.
  • CGMan
    CGMan over 4 years
    I really like the simple second method. It does not rely on a static member