start GUI interface from command line in snappy ubuntu


Solution 1

Now there is to package a single GUI application and bring it up on a snappy system.

Solution 2

Snappy Ubuntu is made for embedded and Internet-Of-Things devices. It has a CLI (command line) interface at best. It's supposed to be a very tiny bare-core Ubuntu,therefore no room for giant desktop environment (a.k.a. GUI).

Solution 3

Ubuntu Core is a minimal system and has such has no mechanism to display anything from the OS as there is no GUI


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pramith kv
Author by

pramith kv

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • pramith kv
    pramith kv over 1 year

    How can i get into desktop /gui of snappy ubuntu from putty?

    startx command is not working

    or is there any way to do loke real vnc m using raspberry pi2+snappy core