Steam 64-bit no longer in Ubuntu Software Centre or App Repository


As per the official repository of steam for Ubuntu, it is available only for precise (Ubuntu 12.04). However, you can still download the .deb file.


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Paperclip Badger
Author by

Paperclip Badger

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Paperclip Badger
    Paperclip Badger over 1 year

    The title pretty much says it. I attempted to download steam from the Software Centre, but it gave me an error (something along the lines of "Cannot reach source:", I didn't write it down). I tried reconnecting, but that didn't work. When I restarted the software centre, the entry for Steam (64-bit) had vanished. I checked the web page for Steam 64-bit in the apps repository, but I got a page not found error. Thoughts?

  • Gavin Panella
    Gavin Panella over 11 years
    I don't think it is; I have partner enabled and it's not available. I did install Steam (64 bit) from the Software Centre, but purged it this morning. It's nowhere to be found now. I've tried partner and multiverse.
  • BaDboD
    BaDboD about 11 years
    Try logging in with your Ubuntu ONE account. worked for me on a fresh install today.
  • BaDboD
    BaDboD about 11 years
    Gavin - Looks like your right, though this did work for me only a week ago, however.... goto /etc/apt/sources.list.d and delete any files with steam in the file name, then do sudo apt-get update. This worked for me on a machine where Steam had previously been installed but had vanished from software center.