Stored procedure to select between dates?


Solution 1

Instead of exec you should be using sp_executesql which allows for use of parameters, avoiding a risk of Sql injection and avoiding potential issues with dates passed as strings. First parameter is a query, second is a list of parameters and their types and the rest are parameter values.

alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[AutoCompleate] 
     @DateFrom datetime,
     @DateTo datetime,
     @SearchField varchar(50)

     -- V1.0 : ShaunM : 15 jun 2012
        --  AutoComplete textbox

    declare @sql nvarchar(max)
    set @sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' 
             + quotename(@SearchField)
             + ' FROM SchemaAudit'
             + ' WHERE [Date] between @from AND @to ORDER BY '
             + quotename(@SearchField)
             + ' ASC'

     exec sp_executesql @sql, 
                        N'@from datetime, @to datetime', 
                        @from = @DateFrom, @to = @DateTo

Now, about start and end dates, what exactly you want to do?

Solution 2


Where StartDate BETWEEN @DateFrom and @DateTo

EDIT: As Nalaka526 pointed out, I missed the EndDate, You can't use BETWEEN with two fields, You need to cast it to varchar and use >= and <= to compare between the range. Curt solution is doing that.

 WHERE StartDate >= ' + Convert(varchar(20),@DateFrom) + 'AND EndDate >= ' + Convert(varchar(20),@DateTo) + '

Solution 3

You would need to CAST the date parameters as varchar:

exec ('
     @SearchField + ' FROM SchemaAudit WHERE StartDate >= "' + CAST(@DateFrom as varchar(20)) + '" AND EndDate >= "' + CAST(@DateTo as varchar(20)) + '"
                 ORDER BY ' + @SearchField +' ASC')
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Pomster
    Pomster about 2 years

    I am writing a stored proc to Select information, i would like it to only select between dates?

    This is what it looks like now:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AutoCompleate] 
     @DateFrom datetime,
     @DateTo datetime,
     @SearchField varchar(50)
     -- V1.0 : ShaunM : 15 jun 2012
        --  AutoComplete textbox
     exec ('
     @SearchField + ' FROM SchemaAudit 
                 ORDER BY ' + @SearchField +' ASC')

    I want the select to run for entry's into the database between @DateTo and DateFrom, Does any one know how to do this?

  • Curtis
    Curtis about 12 years
    @HackedByChinese Cheers, there were some other syntax issues too which I've now corrected
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Cast , Datefrom, DateTo and the numbers 20 are all underlined in red.
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Could you put it in the same format as my exec( .... I can't get these commers right (')
  • Habib
    Habib about 12 years
    exec (' SELECT DISTINCT ' + @SearchField + ' FROM SchemaAudit WHERE StartDate >= ' +Convert(varchar(20), @DateFrom) + 'AND WHERE EndDate >= ' + Convert(varchar(20),@DateTo) + ' ORDER BY ' + @SearchField +' ASC')
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Invalid column name startdate, Invalid Column name EndDate
  • Chris Gessler
    Chris Gessler about 12 years
    Wouldn't this still be subject to injection attack due to the @SearchField usage?
  • Nikola Markovinović
    Nikola Markovinović about 12 years
    @Chris- Yes, it should be quoted. Editing.
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Convert, varchar and 20 are all underlined in red?
  • Nikola Markovinović
    Nikola Markovinović about 12 years
    @Pomster Column names are yours. Could you please post a working query (non-dynamic sql kind of query? Simple select?)
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Start and end date i don't what they do, u guys keep putting them there? i just what the query to be between my two date parameters
  • Nikola Markovinović
    Nikola Markovinović about 12 years
    @Pomster I copied your original alter proc, section I would like it to do something like:
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Yes i was trying to give the idea of what i wanted, sorry i see every one now has thought to use start and end date.
  • Pomster
    Pomster about 12 years
    Thanks it says invalid column name date
  • Nikola Markovinović
    Nikola Markovinović about 12 years
    @Pomster Instead of [Date] put your date column name.