String to integer in Shell


Solution 1

The regex below will extract the number of bytes, only the number:

  LC_ALL=C sed '
    s//\1/; q' headers

After the above change, the contentlength variable will be only made of decimal digits (with leading 0s removes so the shell doesn't consider the number as octal), thus the 2 lines below will display the same result:

echo "$(($contentlength/9))"

echo "$((contentlength/9))"

Solution 2

headers=`curl -I ${url} > headers`
contentlength=`cat headers | grep -E '[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:' | sed 's/[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:[ ]*//g'`
echo "$(($contentlength/9))"

It's getting below error:

/9")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "

HTTP headers always end with CR/LF, not just LF; your `cat headers | ...` command expansion will remove the ending LF, but leave the CR alone, which will cause that strange error.

% var=`printf "%s\r\n" 333`
% echo var={$var}
% echo "$((var / 3))"
")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "

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A. Taha Baki
Author by

A. Taha Baki

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • A. Taha Baki
    A. Taha Baki almost 2 years

    I'm currently working on a project called 'dmCLI' which means 'download manager command line interface'. I'm using curl to multi-part download a file. And I'm having trouble with my code. I can't convert string to int.

    Here's my full code. I also uploaded my code into Github Repo. Here it is: dmCLI GitHub Repository

    help() {
        echo "dmcli [ FILENAME:path ] [ URL:uri ]"
    echo -e "author: ${RED}@atahabaki${NC}"
    echo -e "     __      _______   ____"
    echo -e " ___/ /_ _  / ___/ /  /  _/"
    echo -e "/ _  /  ' \/ /__/ /___/ /  "
    echo -e "\_,_/_/_/_/\___/____/___/  "
    echo -e "                           "
    echo -e "${RED}Downloading${NC} has never been ${RED}easier${NC}.\n"
    if [ $# == 2 ]
        headers=`curl -I ${url} > headers`
        contentlength=`cat headers | grep -E '[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:' | sed 's/[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:[ ]*//g'`
        acceptranges=`cat headers | grep -E '[Aa]ccept-[Rr]anges:' | sed 's/[Aa]ccept-[Rr]anges:[ ]*//g'`
        echo -e '\n'
        if [ "$acceptranges" = "bytes" ]
            echo File does not allow multi-part download.   
            echo File allows multi-part download.
        echo "$(($contentlength + 9))"
        # if [acceptranges == 'bytes']
        # then
        # divisionresult = $((contentlength/9))
        # use for to create ranges...
    # First get Content-Length via regex or request,
    # Then Create Sequences,
    # After Start Downloading,
    # Finally, re-assemble to 1 file.

    I want to divide contentlength's value by 9. I tried this:

    echo "$(($contentlength/9))"

    It's getting below error:

    /9")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "

    I'm using localhost written in node.js. I added head responses. It returns Content-Length of the requested file, and the above gets correctly the Content-Length value.

    ./ home.html

    A HEAD request to returns: Content-Length: 283, Accept-Range: bytes

    The dmCLI works for getting the value, but when I want to access its value, it won't work.

    Simple actions work like:

    echo "$contentlength"

    But I can't access it by using this:

    echo "$contentlength bytes"

    and here:

    echo "$(($contentlength + 9))"

    returns 9 but I'm expecting 292. Where's the problem; why is it not working?

    • Weijun Zhou
      Weijun Zhou over 5 years
      If echo "$contentlength" works, there is no reason echo "$contentlength bytes" does not work as well.
    • Stéphane Chazelas
      Stéphane Chazelas over 5 years
      Could be the value of the variable ends in a CR character (line delimiters in HTTP headers are CRLF), 12345\r bytes would show up as " bytes" in a terminal as CR moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
    • Weijun Zhou
      Weijun Zhou over 5 years
      @StéphaneChazelas You're right. CR does not have this behavior when redirected. One can redirect the output and examine the result.
    • A. Taha Baki
      A. Taha Baki over 5 years
      echo " $contentlength bytes" it returns this: ``` bytes```
    • Stéphane Chazelas
      Stéphane Chazelas over 5 years
      The way it's written (not proper header parsing, no sanitisation of the content length), this script has an arbitrary command injection vulnerability. Do not use a shell for this kind of thing. perl/python have HTTP or libcurl APIs.
    • Weijun Zhou
      Weijun Zhou over 5 years
      If @StéphaneChazelas is correct, it does not return "bytes", it just show up as "bytes", pipe the output through cat -A or less to examine.
    • A. Taha Baki
      A. Taha Baki over 5 years
      "contentlength=cat headers | grep -E '[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:' | sed 's/[Cc]ontent-[Ll]ength:[ ]*//g' | cat -A" retuns "283^M$ bytes"
  • A. Taha Baki
    A. Taha Baki over 5 years
    It worked but what's the difference between echo $((contentlength/9)) and echo $(($contentlength))?
  • Weijun Zhou
    Weijun Zhou over 5 years
    I won't call $(($contentlength/9)) incorrect, just that the $ is unnecessary, but there are cases where this $ is needed.
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    There will be ARITHMETIC EVALUATION with this syntax, you can read this in the man bash: Within an expression, shell variables may also be referenced by name without using the parameter expansion syntax.. In other words: do not use $ for variable with this syntax.
  • Weijun Zhou
    Weijun Zhou over 5 years
    But what if parameter expansion is needed? $ in $((${b/5/7}+1)) is needed.
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    The answer had been edited.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 5 years
    @Jayjargot, there will be arithmetic evaluation with both syntax in ksh, bash and zsh (hence the command injection vulnerabilities when the input is not sanitized), one difference is when the value is like 9+9. Then contentlength/9 will give 2 and $contentlength/9 will give 1.
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    @StéphaneChazelas: ha ok, I never used the $(( )) with variables containing something else than a number: string 9+9 for example.
  • Weijun Zhou
    Weijun Zhou over 5 years
    @StéphaneChazelas $contentlength/9 gives 10 in bash.
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    @StéphaneChazelas: true! answer Edited again
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    @WeijunZhou: you were right about the parameter expansion, the answer had been edited again.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 5 years
    @WeijunZhou, yes sorry my bad 9+9/9 is 10 not 1, (9+9)/9 is 2.
  • Jay jargot
    Jay jargot over 5 years
    @StéphaneChazelas: thx for the final version