Stubbing or Mocking ASP.NET Web API HttpClient


Solution 1

I use Moq and I can stub out the HttpClient. I think this the same for Rhino Mock (I haven’t tried by myself). If you just want to stub the HttpClient the below code should work:

var stubHttpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>();
ValuesController controller = new ValuesController(stubHttpClient.Object);

Please correct me if I’m wrong. I guess you are referring to here is that stubbing out members within HttpClient.

Most popular isolation/mock object frameworks won’t allow you to stub/setup on non- virtual members For example the below code throws an exception

stubHttpClient.Setup(x => x.BaseAddress).Returns(new Uri("some_uri");

You also mentioned that you would like to avoid creating a wrapper because you would wrap lot of HttpClient members. Not clear why you need to wrap lots of methods but you can easily wrap only the methods you need.

For example :

public interface IHttpClientWrapper  {   Uri BaseAddress { get;  }     }

public class HttpClientWrapper : IHttpClientWrapper
   readonly HttpClient client;

   public HttpClientWrapper()   {
       client = new HttpClient();

   public Uri BaseAddress   {
           return client.BaseAddress;

The other options that I think might benefit for you (plenty of examples out there so I won’t write the code) Microsoft Moles Framework Microsoft Fakes: (if you are using VS2012 Ultimate)

Solution 2

As an alternative to the excellent ideas already presented by @Raj, it may be possible to go a step lower and to mock/fake the HttpMessageHandler instead.

If you make any class that needs an HttpClient accept it as a dependency injection parameter in the constructor, then when unit testing you can pass in an HttpClient that has been injected with your own HttpMessageHandler. This simple class has only one abstract method that you need to implement, as follows:

public class FakeHttpMessageHandler : HttpMessageHandler
    public HttpRequestMessage RequestMessage { get; private set; }

    protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        RequestMessage = request;
        return Task.FromResult(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));

My trivial example just saves the HttpRequestMessage in a public property for later inspection and returns HTTP 200 (OK), but you could augment this by adding a constructor that sets the result you want returned.

You'd use this class like this:

public void foo()
    var fakeHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler();
    var client = new HttpClient(fakeHandler);
    var SUT = new ClassUnderTest(client);


    fakeHandler.RequestMessage.Method.ShouldEqual(HttpMethod.Get); // etc...

There are limitations to this approach, for example in a method that makes multiple requests or needs to create multiple HttpClients, then the fake handler might start to become too complicated. However, it may be worth consideration for simple cases.

Solution 3

I released a library a few months ago called MockHttp which might be useful. It uses a custom HttpMessageHandler with a fluent (and extensible) API. You can inject the mocked handler (or HttpClient) into your service class and it will respond as it was configured.

Below shows basic usage. The When and Respond methods have a bunch of overloads, including running custom logic. The documentation on the GitHub page goes into a lot more detail.

var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler();

// Setup a respond for the user api (including a wildcard in the URL)
        .Respond("application/json", "{'name' : 'Test McGee'}"); // Respond with JSON

// Inject the handler or client into your application code
var client = new HttpClient(mockHttp);

var response = async client.GetAsync("http://localhost/api/user/1234");
// or without async: var response = client.GetAsync(...).Result;

var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

// No network connection required
Console.Write(json); // {'name' : 'Test McGee'}
Erick T
Author by

Erick T

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Erick T
    Erick T almost 2 years

    I am using the new Web API bits in a project, and I have found that I cannot use the normal HttpMessageRequest, as I need to add client certificates to the request. As a result, I am using the HttpClient (so I can use WebRequestHandler). This all works well, except that it isn't stub/mock friendly, at least for Rhino Mocks.

    I would normally create a wrapper service around HttpClient that I would use instead, but I would like to avoid this if possible, as there are a lot of methods that I would need to wrap. I am hoping that I have missing something—any suggestions on how to stub HttpClient?