sub eax,0 - does it do anything?


Solution 1

The sub instruction sets flags (OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF, according to the documentation) - the mov instruction does not. The jz will jump only if the zero flag (ZF) is set, so if you want to jump based on the value in eax that flag has to be set appropriately.

Solution 2

The sub instruction will set the zero flag if its result is zero. In this case this means that the zero flag will be set if eax is zero.

So these three instructions check if [esp+fdwReason] is zero and jump to loc_10001038 in that case.

Filip Haglund
Author by

Filip Haglund

Polyglot programmer looking for big responsibilities in small teams. Enjoys everything large, distributed and parallel. Prefers simple and declarative programming languages (functonal, logic). Truly believes in the right tool for the right job. Startup mentality; always looking for the simplest thing that could possibly work, but also likes preparing for the future. I've seen too many people run their projects into the ground by not thinking ahead. Open to relocate almost anywhere, but prefers working remote. That's how I get more things done.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Filip Haglund
    Filip Haglund almost 2 years

    I just opened a file in IDA Pro and I found some code that looks completely useless. However, I thought it might have some use. Doesn't the sub eax,0 just subtract 0 from eax?

    The code:

    hinstDLL= dword ptr  4  
    fdwReason= dword ptr  8  
    lpReserved= dword ptr  0Ch  
    mov     eax, [esp+fdwReason]  
    sub     eax, 0  
    jz      short loc_10001038  
  • Filip Haglund
    Filip Haglund about 12 years
    I thought you needed to use the TEST instruction for that. Thanks!
  • Carl Norum
    Carl Norum about 12 years
    test does do an implicit bitwise AND, but doesn't affect all of the same flags. From the test docs: "The OF and CF flags are set to 0. The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the result... The state of the AF flag is undefined."