Sublime Text 2 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?


Solution 1

Select Preferences / Browse Packages…, and go to Theme - Default directory.

Open Default.sublime-theme with your editor and search for sidebar_label string. You should find something like:

    "class": "sidebar_label",
    "color": [0, 0, 0],
    "font.bold": false

You can add here the font size you prefer:

    "class": "sidebar_label",
    "color": [0, 0, 0],
    "font.bold": false,
    "font.size": 14.0

Solution 2

Thanks! Some other settings to change font size (in these examples, smaller) of ALL the visible things!

Note that if you have a Project open (a folder) and the tabs and status bar showing, when you hit save you should see the changes realtime.

Sidebar Tree

    "class": "sidebar_tree",
    "row_padding": [0, 0],
    "indent": 6,
    "indent_offset": 17,
    "class": "sidebar_label",
    "color": [0, 0, 0],
    "font.bold": false,
    "font.size": 8.0

Tabs Open Files

    "class": "tabset_control",
    "content_margin": [0, 0, 3, 1],
    "tab_overlap": 24,
    "tab_width": 180,
    "tab_min_width": 48,
    "tab_height": 18,
    "class": "tab_label",
    "font.size": 8.0

Status Bar

    "class": "status_bar",
    "content_margin": [0, 0, 0, 0]

(I couldn't find where to set the font for the Status Bar, this will squish the bottom bar down though)

Solution 3

Method probably work on the both version of ST

  1. check you current setup theme:

    1.1 open preference/settings user

    1.2 cmd + f and type theme

    1.3 you found your theme (may be not default, may be soda dark;) )

  2. install package: "PackageResourceViewer"
  3. cmd + shift + p - for open command pallete
  4. type packageresourceviewer

    4.1 type theme and select theme

    4.2 select your current theme file (for st3 dark3 theme)

    4.3 cmd +f to find "sidebar entry"

    4.4 type in the block: "font.size": NUMBER to the options

    4.5 save

  5. enjoy ;)

Solution 4

This question has been answered for Sublime Text 2 but worth mentioning if you are in version 3 is that you can simply copy a package file and place it in your ../Packages/User directory then override the settings there.


You may have to dig around some in order to find where ST3 files were placed during installation.

I'm using Ubuntu and ST3's Main Package files are located at opt/sublime_text/packages. I then copy the package to override into the .config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User directory and then make my edits to that package.

Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • denysonique
    denysonique almost 2 years

    The current font size of the file sidebar is to small for me. How can I make it larger?