Submitting an iphone-only app to app store?


Solution 1

In XCode Target -> General -> Deployment Info -> Devices should be set to iPhone.

Solution 2

If your app is only supposed to support iPhone/iPod, only upload iPhone screenshots, don't upload iPad screenshots. Same works the other way around. The only time you should upload both is if your app is universal.

Solution 3

It is not mandatory for apps to be Universal, nor is required to submit both iPhone and iPad screenshots, you can just submit your 3,5" and 4,0" iPhone screenshots.

If it's complaining because iPad screenshots are missing, you might want to check in XCode that your project isn't configured as Universal.


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Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Surz
    Surz almost 2 years

    I am submitting my app to app store but it's only compatible with iphone and ipod. When I added the app in itunes connect it;s making me submit an ipad screenshot.

    Is it mandatory for apps to be universal? How can I get around this?

    • trojanfoe
      trojanfoe almost 10 years
      This question appears to be off-topic because it is about something other than programming.
    • Paulw11
      Paulw11 almost 10 years
      You must enter iPhone or iPad screenshots. If your app is universal then you can add both
  • Ashutosh Shukla
    Ashutosh Shukla almost 5 years
    Even after following your steps, app is getting installed on simulator.
  • Kunal
    Kunal almost 5 years
    You have to select "Generic iOS Device" where you select simulators or devices for running.