Superkey vs. Candidate key


Solution 1

candidate key is a minimal superkey

Solution 2

A superkey is a set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. A Candidate key would be a MINIMAL set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. So essentially a Superkey is a Candidate key with extra unnecessary columns in it.

Solution 3

  • Candidate key = minimal key to identify a row
  • Super key = at least as wide as a candidate key

For me, a super key would generally introduce ambiguities over a candidate key

Solution 4

Let's keep it simple

SuperKey - A set of keys that uniquely defines a row.So out of all the attributes if even any single one is unique then all the subsets having that unique attribute falls under superkey.

Candidate Key - A superkey out of which no further subset can be derived which can identify the rows uniquely, Or we can simply say that it is the minimal superkey.

Stan Kurilin
Author by

Stan Kurilin

My full name is Stanislav Vladimirovich Kurilin

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Stan Kurilin
    Stan Kurilin almost 2 years

    What difference between Super and Candidate key in ERDB?

  • nvogel
    nvogel almost 14 years
    A candidate key is a minimal superkey. So a superkey isn't strictly "wider" because a candidate key is a superkey too.
  • orip
    orip almost 14 years
    +1, plus it would be good to define "minimal" here since it's non-intuitive. For example in table (a,b,c), with (a) being unique and also (b,c) being unique, both (a) and (b,c) should be candidate keys.
  • ZygD
    ZygD almost 14 years
    @david: isn't "minimal superkey" an oxymoron?
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    "a Superkey is a Candidate key with extra unnecessary columns" -- the extra columns may actually be necessary to reference the table and ensure data integrity e.g. (employee_ID) is unique but a key on (employee_ID, department_name) may be required for certain tables that restrict employees according to their department.
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    "generally introduce ambiguities" -- what do you mean? For example, in this answer (…) the EmployeeDepartments table has a candidate key (employee_ID) and a superkey (employee_department_name, employee_ID). Both are required for data integrity, where's the ambiguity?
  • ZygD
    ZygD over 13 years
    @onedaywhen: (employee_department_name, employee_ID) means you can have the same employee_ID for multiple employee_department_name values. How can employee_ID itself be a unique key then?
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    @gbn: (employee_department_name, employee_ID) is a key (a superkey) because (employee_ID) is in itself a key (a candidate key), so no it is not possible to have the same employee_ID for multiple employee_department_name values.
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    @gbn: ...employee_department_name is "brought in" to the key so that it can be referenced (via a foreign key) from another table. So my point is that a superkey does have a practical use in data integrity constraints.
  • ZygD
    ZygD over 13 years
    @onedaywhen: We'll have to disagree then.
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    @gbn: If you insist :) but in parting note this is a common enough technique e.g. see this article (!), section captioned, "Overlapping Uniqueness Constraints".
  • ZygD
    ZygD over 13 years
    @onedaywhen: I have no objection to multiple and/or overlapping unique keys. I do object to the term "superkey" when plainly (employee_department_name, employee_ID) does not uniquely identify a row if (employee_ID) is already the primary key. It is neither a candidate nor super key, even if it is defined unique for use by an FK.
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    @gbn: so we agree it fits the definition of "superkey", it's just that you have a problem with the whole concept of superkeys? I'm not here to change you belief system, peace :)
  • onedaywhen
    onedaywhen over 13 years
    @gbn: FWIW I myself believe in using natural keys but I'm dead against supernatural keys ;)
  • libjup
    libjup almost 8 years
    Minimal in the sense that if one attribute from the candidate key is removed, the row cannot be uniquely identified anymore.
  • philipxy
    philipxy about 5 years
    You don't define "minimal" & these are circular.