Surrounding a ValidationSummary with a box via CSS


Here is some CSS that will work:

.validation-summary-errors {
    background-color: #D9FFB2;
    border:1px solid #5CBA30;
    width: 400px;
span.validation-summary-errors {
    border-bottom-color: #D9FFB2;
ul.validation-summary-errors {

You may have to play around with the widths depending on your other css.

Edit after comment

I changed ul.validation-summary-errors to zero out the margin and padding and removed the width. It should work cross-browser now.

Adrian Grigore
Author by

Adrian Grigore

I'm a freelancer software developer from Germany specializing in ASP.NET MVC and related technlogies. Send me a message if you are interested in hiring me for development / consulting services. My current main project is a web-based, team-oriented project time tracking software for desktop and mobile devices: LogMyTime Zeiterfassung. Adrian Grigore's Blog on Software Development

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Adrian Grigore
    Adrian Grigore about 2 years

    By default Html.ValidationSummary() produces HTML like this:

    <span class="validation-summary-errors">There were some errors...</span>
    <ul class="validation-summary-errors">
       <li>First Name too long</li>
       <li>Invalid Email Address</li>

    I'd like to select the entire validation summary and add a bounding box around it via CSS, so I am adding a CSS class like this:

    border: 1px solid #5CBA30;

    Now the problem is that this draws separate boxes around the validation summary message and each error message. Certainly not what I had in mind.

    I can add a div around the summary like this, but this will result in an empty red box if there are no validation errors, so this is not the way:

      <div class="my-validation-summary">
            <%= Html.ValidationSummary("There were some errors...")%>

    I can think of several ways to solve this:

    • Add a bounding div conditionally with server-side tags
    • Add a bounding div via jQuery
    • Write my own HtmlHelper wrapper that prints a CSS-friendly ValidationSummary

    However, all of this looks quite awkward for solving such a simple task. There must be a better way to do this. Perhaps some other way of writing the CSS class so I don't get an empty box when there is no validation summary?

    Edit: Just to clarify, I am calling the html helper like this:

    <%=Html.ValidationSummary("There were some errors...") %>

    Edit 2: The scope of this question was to see whether I have overlooked something dead-easy and obvious. It seems I haven't, so I'll simply add my own HtmlHelper function that fits my needs. I am voting to close my own question.

  • Adrian Grigore
    Adrian Grigore about 15 years
    As I said, I know it's quite easy to solve this problem with jQuery. But this seems like a quite awkward solution.
  • Adrian Grigore
    Adrian Grigore about 15 years
    Almost :-)! This works fine in Firefox 3, but breaks in IE 7. See…
  • Adrian Grigore
    Adrian Grigore about 15 years
    No, I want a single border that surrounds both the validation summary and the messages.
  • Emily
    Emily about 15 years
    Did my new version of the code work? It should fix the list being pushed over in IE7.