suspend AND lock screen on closing lid in arch/systemd


Solution 1

There are a couple of examples in the Arch Wiki.

Basically, it involves creating a service file for your screen locker and ensuring it is hooked to either the suspend, hibernate or sleep targets.

If you use a simple screen locker like slock, /etc/systemd/system/lock.service would look like this:

Description=Lock the screen on resume from suspend



Other examples on the wiki have more complex options, including shutting down and bringing up other services, etc.

Solution 2

If you use openrc with elogind is there an alternative solution (which is not systemd dependent):

# /lib/elogind/system-sleep/
# Lock before suspend integration with elogind

export XAUTHORITY="$userhome/.Xauthority"
export DISPLAY=":0.0"

case "${1}" in
            su $username -c "/usr/bin/slock" &
            sleep 1s;


I'm posting this because was very difficult to find it a proper way that it works and this thread appears on first results of google about "lock after suspend" or whatever.

Solution 3

All answers presented here have one fundamental flaw: They set the DISPLAY variable irespectively of what seat/session is active. And they involve writing your own systemd service file.

Thus, I suggest using the fact that logind (part of systemd, I believe) sends DBUS notifications before suspending. If you subscribe to these messages, you can start the screen locker from within you desktop environment and really lock the correct screen/session.

Additionally, there are programs like that already implement this. For example, I've got this in my window manager's config:

exec swayidle -w \
    timeout 300  'swaylock -i $wallpaper' \
    timeout 600  'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \
    resume       'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \
    before-sleep 'swaylock -i $wallpaper' \
    lock         'swaylock -i $wallpaper'

To automagically lock the screen after some time, before suspending and whenever screen locking is requested. I've set HandleLidSwitch=lock in /etc/systemd/logind.conf to have my laptop locked when I close it.

Edit: You will also need to enable DBUS support your desktop session. I launch my window manager (sway) directly from the console, so my call became

exec dbus-run-session sway

Similarly, you could probably (I did not properly test this part) start your X window manger, i3 in the example using the following line in you ~/.xinitrc

exec dbus-launch i3 > /dev/null

Edit: Please note, that this answer is given much later. I do not if this was already possible when these answers were given and do not wish to discredit any of the other authors.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • pldimitrov
    pldimitrov almost 2 years

    what is the most straightforward way to lock the screen AND suspend when closing the lid? I'm using event hooks in /etc/systemd/logind.conf and successfully suspend upon closing the lid. However I'm lost when it comes to the locking part - am I supposed to enable some screensaver service and how can I trigger two events at once in logind.conf?

    • Admin
      Admin over 5 years
      Outside of scope so I'm commenting: in i3 it's very easy to assign keybindings to commands. Since mod+L was already assigned to blurlock for me, it was easy to have mod+S be blurlock && systemctl suspend -i instead. So, not when closing the lid, but works very well to choose whether I just want to lock, or lock and suspend.
  • pldimitrov
    pldimitrov almost 11 years
    Thanks, I saw that example but did not realize the ExecStart=/usr/bin/slock bit refers to locking at first glimpse.
  • CMCDragonkai
    CMCDragonkai over 8 years
    If I suspend and come back, my X display manager has a screen lock, that's great. But what about my ttys? What if I'm logged in, and I suspended and I forgot to exit from my ttys, people could switch to there and continue their operations.
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan over 8 years
    @CMCDragonkai you want physlock then...
  • CMCDragonkai
    CMCDragonkai over 8 years
    That looks great, how could one use physlock while disabling KDE's lock screen? I wouldn't want to have to unlock twice, through physlock then KDE's lock screen.
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan over 8 years
    @CMCDragonkai no idea: I avoid DEs for precisely that reason...
  • Martin Ueding
    Martin Ueding over 8 years
    This does work, but only if you are the only user of the system. A cleaner solution is to use xss-lock (available in Debian, Arch Linux; also Fedora next week) and run that as a user together with i3lock or slock.
  • jasonwryan
    jasonwryan over 8 years
    @MartinUeding Not so: I use this one a multi-user system and it works fine...
  • Martin Ueding
    Martin Ueding over 8 years
    But only with one graphical session, right? Otherwise you would not have display 0.
  • Martin Ueding
    Martin Ueding over 8 years
    Okay, I only have a problem with fixing DISPLAY. if one can get around that, is fine
  • Benjamin Peter
    Benjamin Peter over 6 years
    FYI I am using i3lock and had to add --nofork
  • Rolf
    Rolf about 6 years
    @MartinUeding and @jasonwryan, User is hardcoded. The assumption that this machine will only be used by jason (or someone who knows his password, like his girlfriend, for example). Ideally, we'd want User to be whoever initiated the suspend, but I haven't found a solution for that (yet).
  • Rolf
    Rolf about 6 years
    By the way, xss-lock is nice but it looks for an X session, which I sometimes don't have. Maybe I can modify it and recompile it.
  • Ben Ruijl
    Ben Ruijl over 5 years
    Note that this will fail if the laptop unexpectedly cannot suspend (you may not notice, since you closed the lid):
  • jarno
    jarno about 3 years
    I wonder why you could not use systemd --user instance for the job and put the unit file e.g. in ~/.config/systemd/user/ so not superuser privilege is needed?
  • WhyNotHugo
    WhyNotHugo about 3 years
    user units cannot get triggered by system targets directly -- so there's no straightforward way for user units to start when locking/sleeping. systemd-lock-handler works around this by translating system events to user events.