Symfony Doctrine Group By Query


I know this answer can be late, but I struggled with the exact same problem, and did not find any answer on the internet, and I believe a lot of people will struggle in this same issue.

I'm assuming your "completedBy" refers to another entity.

So, inside your repository, you can write:

$query = $this->createQueryBuilder("log")
              ->select(", count(completer)")
              ->join("log.completedBy", "completer")
              ->where('log.Status = :status')

This will compile to something like:

SELECT, count(completer) FROM "YOUR LOG CLASS" log INNER JOIN log.completedBy completer WHERE log.Status=:status GROUP BY completer

Now, You can do another query to get those 'completers', by their ids.

Muhammad Taqi
Author by

Muhammad Taqi

I do Software Engineering at Ciklum, and there I’m responsible for “keeping the trains running” in our Micro-services Architecture. Works on PHP/Symfony, Loves Python, ɢᴏʟᴀɴɢ, ᴅᴇᴠᴏᴘs...

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Muhammad Taqi
    Muhammad Taqi almost 2 years

    I have below sql query running fine,

    SELECT completed_by, count(*) AS Total
    FROM tasks
    WHERE completed_by is not null AND status = 1
    GROUP BY completed_by

    Em am doing it with doctrine query builder, but not working returning an error.

    $parameters = array(
                        'status' => 1,
    $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('log');
    $query = $qb
    ->select(' log.completedBy, COUNT(log) AS Total')
    ->where('log.Status = :status')

    and getting below error;

    [Semantical Error] line 0, col 21 near 'completedBy,': Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression.

  • michaJlS
    michaJlS almost 8 years
    Do you have column "log" in your "log" table? If not, then you should probably count( or something like that.
  • Muhammad Taqi
    Muhammad Taqi almost 8 years
    yes it is id column, i replaced it , but still the same error at ->groupBy('log.completedBy')
  • michaJlS
    michaJlS almost 8 years
    But it is not error for groupBy(), it is error for select(). Look at the message: completedBy, - you have a comma here, it appears in select clause, not in grouping clause.
  • Admin
    Admin over 2 years
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