T:SQL: select values from rows as columns


Solution 1

It's easy to do this without PIVOT keyword, just by grouping

    min(case when PD.PropertyName = 'FirstName' then P.PropertyValue else null end) as FirstName,
    min(case when PD.PropertyName = 'LastName' then P.PropertyValue else null end) as LastName,
    min(case when PD.PropertyName = 'Salary' then P.PropertyValue else null end) as Salary
from Profiles as P
    left outer join PropertyDefinitions as PD on PD.PropertyDefinitionID = P.PropertyDefinitionID
group by P.ProfileID

you can also do this with PIVOT keyword

    select P.ProfileID, P.PropertyValue, PD.PropertyName
    from Profiles as P
        left outer join PropertyDefinitions as PD on PD.PropertyDefinitionID = P.PropertyDefinitionID
) as P
        for P.PropertyName in ([FirstName], [LastName], [Salary])
    ) as PIV

UPDATE: For dynamic number of properties - take a look at Increment value in SQL SELECT statement

Solution 2

It looks like you might have an unknown number of PropertyName's that you need to turn into columns. If that is the case, then you can use dynamic sql to generate the result:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(PropertyName) 
                    from propertydefinitions
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT profileid, ' + @cols + ' from 
                select p.profileid,
                from profiles p
                left join propertydefinitions d
                  on p.PropertyDefinitionID = d.PropertyDefinitionID
            ) x
                for propertyname in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

Author by


Software team lead, Microsoft Certified Professional Developer, MSc. IT (Semantic Computer Vision). Key Skills: Project Management, Enterprise SaaS Development, Quality Assurance, Business Analysis, .NET development, Relational and Graph Databases, Content Management Systems, Knowledge Graphs, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Semantic technologies.

Updated on July 17, 2022


  • Alaa
    Alaa almost 2 years

    I have a table for Profiles stores profile properties values in row style, ex:

    [ProfileID]     [PropertyDefinitionID]      [PropertyValue]
    1               6                           Jone
    1               7                           Smith
    1               8                           Mr
    1               3                           50000

    and another table for property definitions :

    [PropertyDefinitionID]  [PropertyName]
    6                       FirstName
    7                       LastName
    8                       Prefix
    3                       Salary

    How to use PIVOT or any other way to show it in this way:

    [ProfileID] [FirstName] [LastName]  [Salary]
    1           Jone        Smith       5000
  • Roman Pekar
    Roman Pekar over 11 years
    you don't need to use for xml when you just need to concat columns into variable. There also might be security issues when you trying to select data from table, for example, user can have permissions on procedure, but have no permissions on tables. Take a look at my answer here - stackoverflow.com/questions/13055295/…
  • Taryn
    Taryn over 11 years
    @RomanPekar there are a variety of different ways to concatenate columns, this is the method I choose to use.
  • Alaa
    Alaa over 11 years
    Thanks for your contribution, both methods solved this issue, however if we take performance into consideration, which one is faster?