Task timeout for Airflow DAGs


Solution 1

In every operator we have an execution_timeout variable where you have to pass a datetime.timedelta object.

As per the base operator code comments:

:param execution_timeout: max time allowed for the execution of
    this task instance, if it goes beyond it will raise and fail.
:type execution_timeout: datetime.timedelta

Also bear in mind that this will fail a single run of the DAG and will trigger re-runs and will only be declared to be a failed DAG when all re-runs have failed.

So depending on what number of auto retries you have assigned, you could have a potential maximum time of ( number of retries ) x ( timeout ) in case the code keeps taking too long.

Solution 2

Check out this previous answer.

In short, using airflow's built in pools or even specifying a start_date for a task (instead of an entire DAG) seem to be potential solutions.


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Prithu Srinivas
Author by

Prithu Srinivas

Updated on October 09, 2022


  • Prithu Srinivas
    Prithu Srinivas over 1 year

    I am running 5 PythonOperator tasks in my airflow DAG and one of them is performing an ETL job which is taking a long time, due to which all my resources are blocked. Is there a way I can set a max execution time per task, after which the task either fails or is marked successful (so that the DAG doesnt fail) with a message?