TCL - How to print on the screen th messages that where printed during execution of exec command?


Solution 1

Not perfect (as it require writing to external file):

set log [exec executable_file | tee log.txt >@stdout]

The output will be displayed immediately, at the same time, saved to 'log.txt'. If you don't care about saving the output:

set log [exec executable_file >@stdout]

Solution 2

Use open "| ..." and asyncronous linewise reading from the returned descriptor, like this:

proc ReadLine fd {
  if {[gets $fd line] < 0} {
    if {[chan eof $fd]} {
      chan close $fd
      set ::forever now
  puts $line

set fd [open "| ./executable_file"]
chan configure $fd -blocking no
chan event $fd readable [list ReadLine $fd]

vwait forever

See this wiki page for more involved examples.

In a real program you will probably already have an event loop running so there would be no need for a vwait specific to reading the output of one command.

Also if you need to collect the output, not just [puts] each line after it has been read, you will pobably need to create a global (usually namespaced) variable, initialize it to "", pass its name as another argument to the callback procedure (ReadLine here) and append the line to that variable's value.

Author by


Game developer.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Narek
    Narek about 2 years

    Say I have want to execute a script or and executable file by printing runtime the output of execution.

    When I do:

    set log [exec ./executable_file]
    puts $log

    Then it waits a long time and then prints everything at once. But I want runtime printing. How can I do this?

  • Narek
    Narek about 13 years
    So there is no way to get it runtime?
  • Donal Fellows
    Donal Fellows about 13 years
    +1: Note that running a command in a pipeline can change its buffering behavior; the expect script unbuffer can help with that.
  • Donal Fellows
    Donal Fellows about 13 years
    If you're not collecting the output, directly connecting the subprocess to stdout is better.