Temporarily switch working copy to a specific Git commit


Solution 1

If you are at a certain branch mybranch, just go ahead and git checkout commit_hash. Then you can return to your branch by git checkout mybranch. I had the same game bisecting a bug today :) Also, you should know about git bisect.

Solution 2

First, use git log to see the log, pick the commit you want, note down the sha1 hash that is used to identify the commit. Next, run git checkout hash. After you are done, git checkout original_branch. This has the advantage of not moving the HEAD, it simply switches the working copy to a specific commit.

Solution 3

In addition to the other answers here showing you how to git checkout <the-hash-you-want> it's worth knowing you can switch back to where you were using:

git checkout @{-1}

This is often more convenient than:

git checkout what-was-that-original-branch-called-again-question-mark

As you might anticipate, git checkout @{-2} will take you back to the branch you were at two git checkouts ago, and similarly for other numbers. If you can remember where you were for bigger numbers, you should get some kind of medal for that.

Sadly for productivity, git checkout @{1} does not take you to the branch you will be on in future, which is a shame.

Solution 4

I once implemented git checkout @{10} and was working fine, then suddenly my jumbo cup of caramel coffee fell on the PC and....


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Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Paul
    Paul almost 2 years

    How to switch to specific Git commit without losing all the commits made after it?

    I want that local files will be changed, but commits' database will remain intact, only the current position pointer is set to currently selected commit.

    I want to change files' state to specific commit, run project and, when finished, restore files back to last commit.

    How to do this without zipping the whole project's folder?

  • Abe Voelker
    Abe Voelker about 12 years
    I think you mean git checkout <original_branch>. git checkout HEAD is effectively a NOOP
  • jofel
    jofel about 12 years
    git reset --hard <hash> changes the HEAD of the current branch, while with git checkout <hash> you get a detached checkout which does not change any branch, and you can easily return without knowing the original hash ID of your branch as shown in this answer.
  • enderland
    enderland over 11 years
    Note you can just do git checkout commit_hash if you are on a clean repository and not need to do branching. Might be easier for some use cases (like mine).
  • nutty about natty
    nutty about natty about 11 years
    @Femaref Beginner's question: given the context of this question (switch to an earlier commit temporarily), why would it be an advantage or disadvantage to move or not move the HEAD ?
  • echristopherson
    echristopherson almost 11 years
    @nuttyaboutnatty Assuming my edit is approved, it should answer your question. HEAD actually gets moved in any event; but in a checkout the branch reference HEAD points to is not itself moved.
  • Alexander Pavlov
    Alexander Pavlov about 10 years
    @enderland: your HEAD always points at some branch, normally :)
  • mightyiam
    mightyiam almost 10 years
    I've had an issue where I had to use the whole commit hash because a partial one wasn't accepted.
  • Niek
    Niek over 7 years
    Upvote for the git bisect reference; what an extremely useful tool!
  • Nathanael
    Nathanael over 4 years
    Note that git checkout - is a shorthand alias for git checkout @{-1}
  • Benjohn
    Benjohn over 4 years
    @Nathanael OMGOD, no way … this changes everything! Nice, thank you! … I was going to incorporate this in the answer, but I think it's also useful to know about the general @{n} syntax, as it works with lots of git commands. I found it hard to add your shorthand without making the answer rather confusing. Instead I've voted up your comment – I hope people will see it. Thanks again.
  • Nathanael
    Nathanael over 4 years
    No problem. This discussion is tangential to the actual question anyway. More of a bonus! I often use the same syntax for merging features into a release. e.g. git merge - to merge the branch you had last checked out into the currently checked out branch. It's like cd - in bash.
  • Andrew Halil
    Andrew Halil over 2 years
    This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review
  • avalanche1
    avalanche1 over 2 years
    ahaha hillarious!