Temporary Lookup Failure - Postfix/Dovecot


So, did you actually read the error message and try making the change it recommended?

From your main.cf:

mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128

That last entry is invalid. If you want to specify a single host, use /32. If you want to specify that entire subnet, use


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Marouane Elalama
Author by

Marouane Elalama

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Marouane Elalama
    Marouane Elalama almost 2 years

    im trying to solve a problem to practice recursive backtracking (in javascript), but i get the error 'too much recursion' and its pretty common and i get it all the time , and in most of the times its easy to solve. But this time the problem is big and im new to debugging using the developer tool build in debugger so its really hard to keep along and catch where the error is occuring , since i only know how to use 'step in, step out and step over' . So my question is is there anyway by which i can jump directly where the problem occurs and have all the values stored at that moment using the firefox debugger?

    • masegaloeh
      masegaloeh over 9 years
      Did the error persist after you change it to /32 and restart postfix? If yes, please edit the question and post the output of postconf -n and postconf -M
    • masegaloeh
      masegaloeh over 9 years
      I've tried to telnet mail.eibar.us 25 and it already works. No more "Temporary lookup failure" error given
    • Ebear
      Ebear over 9 years
      Hmm... That's always worked, but now I'm getting an error that says this: pastie.org/10046312 Configuration is the same as when I last messaged. (Updating title and logs)
    • masegaloeh
      masegaloeh over 9 years
      Please ask the new question as this is new error message. You should also accept EEAA answer below as it fix your problem. See serverfault.com/help/someone-answers
    • Ebear
      Ebear over 9 years
      Is it really worthy of a new question since everything isn't completely fixed?
    • masegaloeh
      masegaloeh over 9 years
      Yes. It;ll make the earlier question doesn't lost after you editing it. Please remember that your question (and the answer below) can be useful when some future random googlers has same error message.
    • Ebear
      Ebear over 9 years
      Sounds good. (creating new question now)
    • masegaloeh
      masegaloeh over 9 years
      I've rollback-ed your question. You can always view the history of your question when you click links [edited # minutes ago]
  • EEAA
    EEAA over 9 years
    Please post log messages that are relevant to the sending errors you're seeing - I don't believe the above messages are relevant.
  • Ebear
    Ebear over 9 years
    Fixed it, here you go: ebear.us/files/main.cf