Test url is not working in payumoney


Solution 1

Leave service provider as blank. That should work.

Solution 2


// Merchant Salt as provided by Payu
$SALT = "eCwWELxi";

// End point - change to https://secure.payu.in for LIVE mode
$PAYU_BASE_URL = "https://test.payu.in";

use this if don't work tell me..it's work for me for test account.

Shailesh Kumar
Author by

Shailesh Kumar

I hold Master degree in Information Technology from Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior (IIITM Gwalior). Since May 2014, I have served as a web application developer.I am responsible for development of next generation web applications (by using frame work or without using frame work) from initial requirement gathering to coding, testing, and implementation.

Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Shailesh Kumar
    Shailesh Kumar about 2 years
      $MERCHANT_KEY = "JBZaLc";
      $SALT = "GQs7yium";
      $PAYU_BASE_URL = "https://test.payu.in";

    I have given merchant key, salt & Payumoney base url like i have given above but the test url is not working.it transfer to test url gives the error Sorry, Some Problem Occurred.