Text Wrapping in SSRS


Setting the CanGrow property to True will allow wrapping, and the text box will get as big as it needs to vertically to contain all the characters in its value.

To ensure the proper landscaping of PDF exports, set the PageSize of the report object accordingly (setting Width=11" x Height=8.5" will make a landscape PDF).

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Updated on November 28, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin over 3 years

    How do I accomplish text wrapping of table fields in SSRS Report, and proper landscaping when rendering the report to PDF format?

  • Admin
    Admin over 15 years
    I t is not making any difference , says vbLf as unrecognized identifier
  • Aidan Ryan
    Aidan Ryan over 15 years
    What is the entire content of your textbox?
  • Admin
    Admin over 15 years
    =Replace(Fields!pa_language.Value, vbLf, Environment.NewLine)